Chapter 9.2 ~ HIM

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              If I were a wolf, I would be howling at the moon while running between buildings as I flee the scene. We were so close, Mara. Tonight could have been the night where you become the next news headline. Instead, I had to leave you passed out on the dirty sidewalk because that damn homeless man began drawing attention with his obnoxious wailing. Consider that scum of the earth your guardian angel.

He saved you tonight.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I distance myself from you, and I’ve never felt more alive. So, I beat my chest like a gorilla, and keep running. Your fear was the ultimate turn-on.

I was ready, Mara.

I was ready to execute the plan I’ve been thirsting for.

However, my actions were too hasty, and sloppy. I see that now, but this is what you do to me, Mara! The longer I observe, the hungrier I become, and I long to wrap my hands around your slender neck and watch your gorgeous body writhe in graceful movements as you gasp for air.

For now, I’ll have to think of tonight as a test run. You’re a strong little thing. I didn’t expect you to fight back the way you did nor have such a death grip on your purse. Seriously, Mara, you shouldn’t cling to material possessions like that. Bags can be replaced, but your precious life cannot. I should know. For it’s my very hands that kill women like you.

And what a thrill it was to see fear dilate your pupils, and hear the shrill panic in your voice…

I’ll be marveling in it for the next few days while I come up with a better plan for us. When it finally does happen, I want you to see my face. I want you to see how normal I look instead of the monster you’ve undoubtedly imagined every time you watch the news. I want to be the last person you see as the light goes out in your eyes. 

There’s something romantic about that. 


Perhaps in another life, we could have had something. Unfortunately for you, this is the version of me that fate has decided for you. Truthfully, I’m really not that bad, Mara. Everyone says I’m a nice guy, and women trip over themselves to speak with me. You can’t blame me for being born with sick fantasies. It’s not my fault my brain is different. I didn’t even know that torturing animals was psychotic until my high school girlfriend threatened to go to the cops after discovering my shed full of birds and rats I used to experiment on.

Let’s just say she’s an ex for a reason and to this day, no one has found her body. Lucky for me, our relationship was a secret. It was a classic case of the popular girl not wanting anyone to know she was fucking the nerdy guy from bookclub. So, no one has ever suspected me of her disappearance. It was assumed she ran away.

Which brings me to another point, Mara. Why do beautiful girls like you think it’s ok to play with our feelings! 

Am I less deserving of love or being looked in the eyes when I open your damn door? I might be a murderer but you’re a messy whore.

I see you.

So indecisive.

Young guy. Old guy.

Pick one! 

Sirens blare in the distance. So it must mean an ambulance is on its way to take care of you, and the police aren’t far behind. 

As much as I hate the thought of not seeing you for a few days, I should get out of town until things cool off. 

Tonight was a shit show, and I cannot make another mistake like this. Plus, spending time away will allow me to recharge and get my head on straight because when I finally do snatch you, there won’t be any turning back. Therefore the timing has to be perfect.

I’ll miss you while I’m away, Mara.

Will you miss me?

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