Chapter 19 ~ What is Love?

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              I wish Enzo and I could have stayed in Las Vegas forever, but now I'm back in the real world, and waking up without him leaves an empty pit in my heart. It doesn't help that he's been busy with work all week, so we haven't seen each other, and when we message, I might as well shove a note into a glass bottle, throw it out to sea, and hope it gets to him.

To make matters worse, it's Saturday, and today my family is celebrating the anniversary of my mom being cancer-free. Everyone will be here. Including Kyle who my mom naively invited thinking he's my new boyfriend. He has texted a few times, asking what to bring to the party or what to wear, and each time my phone dings, my eyes light up, thinking it's a message from Enzo. Instead, it's Kyle, and my heart sinks.

After spending an incredible and unforgettable weekend with the man I've fallen in love with, it's hard being without him.

I miss Enzo.

I ache for Enzo.

Groaning, I throw the covers off and sit upright in bed. As much as I want to sleep in, if I don't get my butt to the living room to help my mom clean the house, I'll never hear the end of it. I'm also not looking forward to hanging around Lydia. Her silent treatment has intensified since coming back from Las Vegas, and I don't have the patience to deal with her passive-aggressive bullshit today.

With a stretch and a yawn, I stand and slide my feet into a pair of slippers, then exit my room. Across the hall, Lucas's door is cracked, and I hear muffled voices. My brother has been MIA most of the week. Disappearing before dinner, coming home late, or leaving early, and I'm a bit worried. Usually at work, he's laser-focused, but the last two nights at Penthouse, he's distracted on his phone. Who keeps messaging him? One of the Abramovitz sisters?

Being in Las Vegas made me forget that my brother confessed to being a hitman and at the beck and call of two women who are like the Godfathers of San Francisco.

I hate it.

Take me back to my bubble of bliss with Enzo.

I tap on the door and push through, but freeze when I see Lydia sitting on his bed. They stop talking and dart their attention to me.

"Have you forgotten you're supposed to wait to be invited inside?" Lucas says.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and back away. "Be a dick."

"Actually, wait," he says. "This tension between you and Lyd needs to end. Right here."

"Says who?" I huff.

"Says me." Lucas points to his chest. "This is mom's special day, and there is no way I will let the two of you assholes ruin it with your petty bullshit."

"No, thanks," Lydia grunts.

"Excuse me?" He turns to her. "Get off your high horse. Stop giving Mara the cold shoulder. Even your kids have noticed, which is not cool!"

"DON'T bring my kids into this." Lydia stands. "Do you even know what Mara has been doing for the last few weeks?"

"Yes, I do," Lucas says. "But you forget she's a grown woman who can make her own choices. Am I happy about it? No. But there's nothing I can do. Besides, you have your secrets too, Lyd."

My wide eyes shift from Lucas to my sister. For one, I'm surprised he's defending me, but learning that perfect Lydia is hiding something? Now that is shocking.

"Lucas," she warns.

"No, out with it!" I fold my arms. "You have your nose all up in my business. Now it's your turn."

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