Favorite color, drink, and socks?!

700 18 33

This question was asked by: Jet2423

Okay well, Jet, My favorite color is Blue. Like aqua or light blue.Blsck comes on close second even thougb it's not a color.

My favorite drink: hmmmm that's hard. I would think that water doesn't count, but I drink it the most often. I'd love Root Beer. Yeah, that's it. Root beer. BUT I HATE RIBENA

Come and get me -_Sadie_kane_- for insulting your favorite drink.

Okay, favorite socks. Not sure why you want to know this one, but I usually don't wear socks considering my clothes might have feet attached. I would have to say mismatched. And as for the brand, I don't really care.

Well I'm done with that. Ask away!

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