Back at starcourt //twelve//

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After driving through the Russian base for a while, they finally spotted a door up ahead. gwen  carefully inserted the key cards they had found into the lock, and with a soft click, the door opened. They quickly hurried up and out of the door, finding themselves standing outside the entrance door of Starcourt Mall.All 5 Of them quickly rushed through the entrance."can u taste air steve!?"gwen laughed,"focas we have bigger problems" steve said before scoffing."bigger than your hair harrigton?" robin asked. But Before Steve could respond all of a sudden they saw A undercover Russian A few stores Behind them."sorry!","excuse us!" Members of the scoops, troops said as they were rushing by people. 

Finally, the scoops troops approaches a movie theater, They all rush in and find seats right in the front row.They all sit down each one of them out of breath."You think he saw us?" whispered gwen"we were pretty fucking obvious"replied erica leaning back in the movie theater chair. The movie went on for an hour before it ended. Claps can be heard around the movie theater.Scoops troop Exits the theater walking towards one of the mall exist,"Wait until everyone Hears I, Dustin Henderson Found Secret Russian base and escaped" Proudly says dustin."Or Until they hear three of us were drugged and halfway beaten to death" stated robin,"Or that Four children and One eighteen-year-old were missing for almost two days,but whose counting" added on gwen

As they were walking they see,a Russian guard in all black following them they all start speed walking by they turn the corner there's another Russian guard at the end cornering them,"GO GO DOWN THE ESCALATOR" Steve yelled as he let Robin slide down the middle of the escalator first,then Steve,Dustin and Gwen pushing Erica down than sliding down her self with Erica's bag in her hand. 

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