Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Third-person narrative;

Hazel rushed to the counter eager to make the obnoxious woman at table five stop ranting. She'd just come in a few minutes ago and had rejected almost everything she'd ordered.

This is the fourth now and Hazel was slowly losing it. She needed this job, else she wouldn't hesitate to put her in place.

Sighing, Hazel dropped the meal on the counter and heard it clatter.

"What's up with her," Lisa, the cook, asked with a frown on her face.

Hazel rolled her eyes, "Apparently, she's now a vegetarian."
Lisa scoffed, "A vegetarian? Wasn't she the one that ordered bacon earlier?"

Hazel just shrugged.

She quickly fixed up her order and went to serve her but as she saw it, she immediately pushed it away, fuming.

"What took you so long, bitch?" she raised her hands and made to hit her.

Hazel closed her eyes awaiting the impact but it never came. She reopened them only to see the woman's shocked expression as her hands were held by a much larger one suspending it in mid-air.

It was her boss, Justin. The owner of the five-star restaurant where she worked.
"Physical abuse is highly prohibited in this restaurant. You've overstayed ma'am. It's time to leave."

Hazel gave him a small smile and he nodded at her. She went back to her post at the back and Justin went after her.

"I'm so sorry Sir...I.." she made to explain but he cut her off.

"No, Hazel. I saw everything happen. You can't keep letting these people get to you. I understand the restaurant's policies but you should learn to stand up for yourself," he implored in a soft voice.

Hazel sighed, "I know...I just wasn't expecting her to ..."

He walked towards her, "You always let others walk over you and that's why it keeps happening."

Justin has always been so reasonable. He isn't just a boss to Hazel but a really good friend and confidant.

"I'm sorry," she muttered

"It's okay, you can take the rest of the day off. I know you have to go pick up Ana."

Ana is Hazel's three-year-old daughter. She had given birth to her a few months after she relocated to Country A, after the horrible episode she'd gone through in her hometown. She'd left everything behind without even informing her parents ...

"Hazel?..." Justin called snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Sorry, uhm....thank you, Mr. Jus..."

"I've told you to stop calling me that. Justin is fine."

She gave him a small smile and excused herself to freshen up.

She went to pick up Ana from her nanny and went home.
She walked into her apartment, holding her daughter's hands....

"How was your day, sweetheart?" She asked, as she took off her coat and hung it on the rack.

"It was so much fun!" Ana exclaimed, as she ran to the living room and started playing with her toys. "I played with dolls, and we made pretend food!"

Hazel smiled, watching her daughter play. "It sounds like you had a wonderful day, Ana. But you should also focus on your studies, okay?

She pouted, but said, "Okay Mummy."

Hazel gave her a tired smile and ruffled her hair.
"Mummy, can I have a snack?" Ana asked, looking up at her mother with wide eyes.

"Of course, honey...but only after you're done with your homework." She said as she stepped into the kitchen to prepare a meal.


The early morning sun swept through the restaurant's windows as Hazel stood at the counter, preparing to serve the first customer of the day. Her thoughts went to the episode of yesterday and prayed silently to not experience any customer like that again.

She held a tray and walked over to the couples who sat at the far end of the room but she suddenly stumbled on her heels.

Hazel quickly pulled herself away from the man with the familiar blue eyes and ran back to the staff room.

It was him. Jason Richmond. The same man who had impregnated her and blatantly called her a slut and a golddigger. She could not forget that very day. The memories came flooding back in with a rush as she leaned on the wall.

Jason on the other hand stood, perplexed at the abruptness of the woman's actions.
'Why did she run off that way?' he wondered.

A flash of recognition suddenly hit him as his eyes widened. He quickly looked to the direction she had taken and went after her.

As he made to pass the counter to the back, he was stopped by a waiter, "Excuse me Sir, but customers are not allowed in here. It's strictly for staff." he said

"I need to see her," he made to bypass him but the guy calmly held him back, "With all due respect Sir, you need to go back to your seat or..."

"Or what," he fumed, "Do you know who I am? What gave you the right to think you can talk to me that way?" he bellowed, clenching his fists angrily.

The waiter whose name was John calmly replied, "I'm sorry Sir, but it's against the rules. The boss would not be happy when he finds out about this."

Jason relaxed a little. Since the lady was a worker here, he was still bound to meet her again. So he went back and took a seat, patiently waiting for her to come out.

John, the waiter went to the back and saw Hazel leaning there with tears in her eyes,
"Hazel, what's the matter, why is there a man out there wanting to see you? He almost came in here!" He walked up to her and Hazel quickly dried her eyes and stood up, "Where is he?" She asked.

"He is at table 4. I think he might be waiting for you. Do you know him?"

"No! I don't." She replied quickly, "I'm not feeling too good. I can't handle this. Can you cover for me please?" She asked
"It's OK. You need to take care of yourself. You are not looking well."

Hazel murmured a thanks and went to the washroom to clean herself up. When she was done, she took the back exit and left the restaurant.

Jason sat still in his seat, getting agitated and frustrated. He glanced at his wristwatch. It's been three hours and still no sign of her. He also didn't understand the complicated feelings he was having when he made eye contact with her.

He felt like there was more to those eyes. The feeling nagged at him but he couldn't place his hands on what exactly is the issue.

In no time, it was dark and the customers slowly began to reduce leaving just him and a middle-aged man at the next table eating a pie.

Jason knew he had been played. He knew she hadn't got off through the main door. She must have left but through a back door, he guessed.

He brought out his cell phone and made a call.

"What was her name?" He demanded in a curt voice.

Jace's raspy voice sounded at the other end, "Who?"

"The lady that came to the office three years ago claiming she was pregnant for me."

" sec...." he seemed to be shuffling around, "Yeah, Hazel..."

Jason felt his heart skip a beat as he breathed shakily.

"wait..." Jace muttered in an unsure voice, "I hope she's not the same one you've been looking for after so many ...?"

Jason hung up the call as his thoughts spiraled out of control. And then he stood, storming out of the restaurant.

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