Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I turned my head to stare at the woman who had just walked in, exuding an aura of confidence.

She must be Jason's wife. I recognized her face from the news years back when I saw their wedding plan being announced on the news.

The only difference between then and now is the ridiculous makeup she had on, making her look weird.

Her stilettoes clinked on the marble floor as she took short steps towards Jason, snaking her arms around his neck, "I've missed you, darling,"

I watched in silence as Jason pulled her arms away, and he snapped at her, "What the fuck are you doing here, Alexis?"

She disengaged from him and pouted, her red lip making her look weirder.

"Can't I come to see my husband anymore?" She asked,

"Ex-husband you mean?" Jaxon retorted.

I shook my head. Oh well, seems there's a bit of a family issue. They'll need as much privacy as they could get. I made to leave but her sharp eyes quickly darted to mine.

"Oh, forgive my manners, darling, I am Alexis, Jason's WIFE. And you must be... Hazel," Her eyes glanced over my body, and I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"Hazel.....the baby mama," she continued. She scrunched her nose upwards as she remarked, "It must've been really hard for you. As a single mother...I definitely can't relate to what you must have gone through."

I clenched my jaw as my mind flashed back to the nine months of pregnancy with my baby. It wasn't something I love to recall because I was practically lonely. I had no one. Just me.

It also wasn't an experience I would wish for an enemy. But I was glad I was able to scale through.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, masking my expression as I raised my chin, staring right into her eyes.

"Oh really? I also can't relate to what YOU might have gone through in a... loveless marriage." I continued, "It must have been tough."

I wasn't going to let this b***h insult me. I don't care who she is or what she claims to be.

Satisfied, I watched as her face fell in surprise, shock, and then anger. I must have hit a nerve.

We stood, there in the hall staring each other down. Glancing at Jason from the corner of my eyes, I could tell he was rather surprised at my bluntness as well.

"So what, you think you can have him?"  She said, trying to sound confident.

She fumbled in her designer handbag, and brought out a cheque, "Name your price. And stay away from my husband."

"Oh, please.." Letting out a laugh, I waved my arms dismissively, "You should take that up with your husband. I would gladly trade him for your happiness."

Her fists clenched by her sides. It seemed like she wasn't expecting this conversation to go this way.

Her eyes snapped towards Jason and she snarled, "You want a divorce? Then you have to make me sign them. Over my dead body would I..."

"You mean, this?" Jason's cold voice cut her short. He held out a file he had been holding on to and brought out a single piece of paper, "But you signed them already."

"What? That can't be. I never signed the papers!"

Jason smirked, "see for yourself"

She snatched the papers from his hands and she froze.

"What... is this possible? How the hell is my signature in this?"

Jason gave her a cold look, "I told you Alexis, this marriage was a convenience and nothing more. Your time has elapsed." He took the papers from her and placed them back in the file.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I have an important issue to discuss with my wife-to-be."

I filled my eyes at the dramatic display in front of me. Jason stepped behind her and suddenly took my hand in his, "let's go," he said.

Alexis glared at us and she said, "You'll hear from my lawyer." And with that she turned, storming off in the direction she came.

Just then a doctor walked up to us. I recognized him as the one who had performed the surgery. "Ms. Anderson, your daughter is awake. You can go see her now."

"Oh thank goodness," I exclaimed, I pulled my hands off Jason's and ran towards the children's ward.

A few hours later, I sat at the edge of the hospital bed, caressing Ana's hair, "Don't fall sick on mummy ever again, okay, baby?"

"I promise mummy. I'm perfectly fine now." she pouted, "But I want to go home, I don't like it here."

Her voice tugged at my heart. "Me too baby. But we have to make sure you're perfectly fine before you're discharged. The doctor said you have to stay for just a little while to recover fully. And before you know it, we wouldbe back home, playing with your favorite toys, hmm?"

She smiled weakly. I could tell she was still hurting a bit, but I had to be strong for her.

Her eyes began to drop when she suddenly said, "I love you mummy,"

"I love you too sweetheart," I replied, forcing a lump down my throat. I sat with her for a short while until she dozed off and carefully went out the door. Closing the door behind me, I bumped into a hard chest as I turned.

"Jason!" I shrieked, taken by surprise. "You scared me."

I felt his warm hands on my waist as he held me steady, his dark eyes boring into mine as I struggled to get the scent of his cologne out of my head.

His large hands caressed my chin, "you've been crying," he whispered.

I turned my cheeks eager to escape from his scrutinizing gaze but he held my face in place.

"I'm sorry, Hazel" he whispered, using his thumb to wipe a stray tear off my cheeks.

Ha dark eyes bore into mine, pinning me in place and I broke down. The tears fell freely down my cheeks as Jason held me steady in his arms.

"Come on," He dragged my hand forward.

"Where are we going," I asked but he just replied curtly with a small smile on his face," You'll see."

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