Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"I need your help," I said, trying hard to conceal my emotions but failing.

I stood at the door, facing him, the same man who had blatantly called me a slut, the father of my child who is now in a critical condition.

I didn't know how I got here. I just knew I needed to save my daughter by all means possible and coming all the way here to this city I had once turned my back on.

Jason quickly ushered me into his home and I let my eyes roam for a few seconds, admiring the simple yet exquisite interior design. But I need to get to the task. My daughter's life is in danger.

He offered me a seat, "Do you need anything, water, or..." He drawled.

His sudden act of kindness made me wary. I couldn't trust his actions, but at this moment, I need him. He is the only one capable of making this okay.

I shook my head, "No, nothing. I'm fine."

He sat down facing me, "What's the matter, Hazel?" He asked softly.

I heaved a sigh. Again, eager to stabilize my voice so I don't end up choking. "It's..our daughter, Ana."

I know he knew already he had a daughter. He's been stalking me. I watched as his lips thinned and his eyes flickered.

"What is it?" He probed further.

"She.. she was rushed to the hospital last night after she suddenly fainted ..." I paused for a moment, swallowing the lump in my throat and blinking back the tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. "She has leukemia, and needs a bone marrow transplant. You are the only possible match for her."

It happened so fast last night that I was really shaken up. One minute we were talking and laughing about her favorite shows and the next minute she just fell. Just like that. Ana had always been a healthy child, never falling sick. So I was really surprised when I read the diagnosis.

Nothing could have prepared me for this...if not for Justin... He had rushed over immediately I called him and was a huge support through it all but the only support I need right now can only be given by Ana's biological father.

Jason sat still for a while, not saying a word and then he stood up and suddenly reappeared by my side with a glass of water, "You should take this," he gave it to me without question. I was thirsty so I didn't argue.

He went back to his seat, not saying a word, but seemed to be in deep thought. I know he had no choice but to save Ana. After all, she is his biological daughter. But his next words took me by surprise.

"I will do as you ask. But on one condition."

I stared at him incredulously. How could he give a condition to save his daughter?
"Are you being serious right now, " I asked.

He nodded, smugly, "You don't have to worry. It's nothing much," he gazed right into my eyes, "I will agree to your request on the condition that you marry me, Hazel."

"What!?" I shrieked. He must be delusional. " What kind of twisted joke is this?" I screamed, my voice shaky.
"This is your daughter we're talking about here, YOUR daughter!" I emphasized.

But he shrugged, "It isn't that hard, Hazel. You just have to agree to it and Ana would be fine. It's all up to you now."

I can't believe this. This is utter nonsense! How could he give a condition to save his daughter? Who does that?

"'re married!" I suddenly blurted, in case he might have forgotten.

"Oh, that should be the least of your concerns now dear. I already have the divorce papers ready. I just need your answer."

I stood up suddenly, angry at his audacity, "This isn't fair, Jason. You can't blackmail me into this."

He tilted his head like he was giving it a thought, "I'm sorry, but this is the only way I can have you back all to myself. I'm not taking any chances."

The tears finally ran down my cheeks. I wiped my face with the back of my hands. My daughter's life is more important to me and comes before anything else. If I have to pay a certain prize for it, then... I have no other choice.

"Fine..I'll marry you, but save my daughter first."

He smiled wildly and stood up., "Good, now we have a deal. Let's go save our daughter."

At the hospital

I stood in the hospital lobby a few hours after I came in with Jason. The surgery was successful, the doctor said. We just have to wait for Ana to wake up. I was so relieved.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Jason walking up to me. I turned to look at him, grateful to him for saving Ana's life but retracted at the thought of the ridiculous request he had made.

"So..when are we getting married?" He asked. The look on his face was like a kid who had just gotten his favorite candy.

I maintained a blank expression, "you're serious about this,"

"Very much so, darling," he smiled.

"I have a condition too," I said suddenly watching as the smile quickly faded from his lips in an instant before he masked it with an indifferent expression.

"And what's that, if I may ask?"

"I will only agree to it if we sign this as a contract marriage. There would be no intrusion into each other's personal life. We would be married but only on paper and will be free to live our lives as we please without anyone breathing down the other's neck."

"What..." He tried to speak but I cut him off

" And two, You're not allowed to touch me by any means. Maintain strict personal distance from me. And also, separate rooms. I'd prefer we sign this in paper immediately."

He was silent for a few minutes but I was not backing down on this.

"Fine! I will get the papers...."

A voice suddenly interrupted, "So, this is the reason you asked for a divorce?"

I turned as my gaze met those of a beautiful woman standing in tall heels, exuding an aura of confidence and elegance. Her expression seemed furious but she managed to keep her cool.

She walked towards Jason, with a little smile on her face, "I told you, I'm never giving up on us."

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