Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I turned to see my Dad gazing at me with a cold look on his face. I was his only child and I had disappointed him so much. I know he was hurt when I left. Especially after I had abruptly called off my wedding with my fiance, then.

No one knows the real reason I did that. It was embarrassing enough for me. But my Dad had thought I was just being a brat.

As he stared at me, I could see the hurt and anger reflected in them. At one point, I thought I saw a hint of something else but it was gone before I could figure it out.

"Dad," I breathed out shakily. "I'm sorry." My lips quivered as I went over to him, kneeling beside him.

"I'm so sorry Dad," I pleaded

Someone coughed and I drew my gaze to the people sitting--there were four in total, including Jason. A man cleared his throat and said.

"You should resolve whatever conflict you have. This is a very grave issue and I need a positive response from you as soon as possible." He stood and the rest followed suit, walking towards the door and out of the house.

But Jason remained seated. His eyes fixated on mine as we locked gazes. And then he stood, In an instant, not saying a word, he left the house.

I inhaled a shaky breath and was brought back to the present by my father's angry voice.

"You are a disgrace to this family!" He stood up but I held his legs in frantic. Mom came over to us as well, her eyes pleading, "Kelvin, please. We had just gotten her. She needs to rest a bit."

"Do you know the repercussions of your daughter's actions? Do you know the grave danger we are in as a result of your careless acts?" he looked down at me

"You abandoned your family for years without a single word. I didn't raise a delinquent." He pulled his legs forcefully away and snarled, "Get up."


"I said, get up this instant."

I stood up hurriedly, lowering my eyes as I wouldn't dare look into his eyes. I can't beat you to see the embarrassment I'd caused them.

But I was surprised when I felt hands on my arms, I looked up hesitantly to see my Dad drawing me in for an embrace. For a second I was scared, shocked as I couldn't understand the sudden change of behavior, but then he gave me a little smile, gesturing me for a hug.

Sighing in relief, I fell into his arms and I broke down. Sobs wracked my entire body as I struggled to contain my tears.

"I am so sorry. I am so sorry." I kept saying it over and over again.

Mom came forward and joined in the hug, she wrapped a hand around my body and the three of us sobbed on each other's back.

A few minutes later, I sat in the dining with Mum and Dad with a solemn look on my face.

Dad seemed angry but he tried to contain his emotions. Mom was sobbing silently. I had just told them everything that had happened in my life from the moment I got pregnant.

But one question kept nagging in my mind. I stared at my Dad tentatively, " do you know the Richmonds, Dad?"

Dad cast a glance at me and heaved a heavy sigh. He shook his head. "The Richmonds and I go a long way back. Way before you were born."

I blinked, "what? I.. I don't understand."

"You were not supposed to sign the contract. You were not supposed to have anything to do with that family. And now we're ruined. They won't stop until they get what they want. Just like before."

"The both of you weren't supposed to cross paths again."

"You mean...Jason and I?" Calling his name sounded bitter to me. I still believe he is the cause of my child's death. If not him, then his bitch ex-wife. If he had kept an eye on her and if he had taken Ana's condition seriously, she might still be alive now.

"You were ten years old by the time it all started." He glanced at Mom. Her gaze was lowered to the table lost in her world of misery.

This time I was so curious to know the details but a sudden memory flashed in my mind.

I was playing hide and seek with a little boy around 10-11 years old. I remember faintly laughing excitedly as he caught up to me. I tried to squirm away from his grasp as he tickled me, "stop it Jacey,"

"No, Haze. A deal is a deal." He said as I tried to run away from him...

I widened my eyes in disbelief. Is there a possibility that my Jacey ten years the same Jason I know today? Now that I think about it, he had called me by my nickname once. The memory of that day and the way he had grabbed my arms played in my head over and over again

"No.." I muttered, "That can't be. They can't possibly be the same person."

Dad gave me a resigned look. The wrinkles in his face make him seem older, "Yes. You both were pretty close back then."

I stood up suddenly, immediately feeling lightheaded. I felt my eyes go blurry and I tried to make sense of my thoughts.

My head was spinning and I didn't realize I was losing consciousness until I saw Mom beside me, trying to hoist me up.

"Come on, you need to rest," I heard her voice say as she led me out of the room.

"No," I protested weakly, "I.I need to know. What has this got to do with...with my marriage with Jason."

I glanced at Dad who gave me a small smile, "You need to rest dear. We'll continue some other time."

I sighed weakly, leaning on my mother's arms and letting her lead me up to my room.

Laying on the bed, I let the familiar nostalgia engulf me, calming my senses and making my eyes weary.

"Rest up dear. You've had a long day," Mom said, pulling the duvet over me just as she had always done when I was a kid.

"Thanks, Mom," I nodded weakly and she stepped out, carefully closing the door behind her.

Closing my eyes weakly, I was startled as the door suddenly  burst open and a familiar figure barged into the room,


It was my cousin, Jasmine. I looked up at her weekly as she climbed up my bed, enveloping me in a hug.

"Oh my God, Hazel. Where the hell have you been? Why did you suddenly disappear?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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