"Bonding Time"

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Hyunjin POV

I walked over to our manager and proposed an idea to him. "Excuse me I was wondering since there is nothing much going on after this, can we mix up the people in the staff and skz vans? I feel like we are all close but it would be nice for people who haven't talked as much to get to know each other!" I exclaimed.

The manager nodded "sure that sounds fun! Anyone specific in mind that you feel should chat a little more?"

I got to work in giving him a little list of groupings I thought would be good and of course I did not forget to mention putting my sister and Minho together. 




After we were all done and about to get into the cars for our way back, the manager got everyone's attention to tell us some groupings of staff and skz members mixed that will be going in different cars. Ngl I don't really remember the other groupings because I wasn't listening but I ended up with my sister and Minho. 

Our group was the tiniest so we got the tiny cramped car that was filled with lots of stuff that we had to bring to the set. The driver is someone who is temporarily hired, and was playing the radio and doing his own thing so we greeted the driver as we got in the car, but never talked to him. The passenger seat was taken by bags and one box filled with who knows what, so the three of us had to squish in the back seat that also had stuff.

The car we were in had three rows of seats, and one row could fit 3 people easily so at first we thought there was no problem, but there was more stuff than expected because we had to take more stuff back from the set for some reason. The very back row was completely filled and not an option.

I got on the car first, and called y/n in next. "Y/n you're sitting in the middle, okay?" I said. Y/n gave me a confused look. "What why me?????" She asked.

"Because your the tiniest one." I answered. Y/n reluctantly got in the car and sat next to me and I pat her head just to make fun of her a little. "Awww she was able to get in the car!! Cute little kitten is learning new things!" Y/n lightly hit my arm and pouted a little at the teasing.

Minho started to get into the car, and y/n shuffled as close to me as she could, but still ended up getting squished in between me and Minho since he had to room. "Oh my god how much stuff is in this car??" Minho sighed. "Are you okay like that y/n?" He asked turning to my sister.

"Yeah I'm fine, being a little squished from both sides is a little comfortable now that I'm like getting used to it. It's kinda cozy haha." She laughed with her usual light smile. The driver started to drive towards the JYPE building, and I decided to start some little light conversation to make the car ride more lively.

"Minho hyung, y/nine let's talk~ the manager said this is for bonding right?" I said. Y/n nodded. "Okay what should we talk about?" She asked. 

"How about we talk about our first impressions of each other, and compare it to how they actually are!" I suggested. Y/n and Minho hummed in agreement. "Minho hyung! What was your first impression of my sister?" I asked first.

He thought for a moment before answering my question. "I thought she was a really quiet, short, young girl." Y/n looked up at him. "I mean it's true I'm quite shy when meeting new people for the first time, but you don't need to bring up my height in your first impression! Isn't there anything better that you thought?" Y/n pouted, making Minho laugh a little.

"Haha oh well I guess I thought you were kinda like a kitten." He said after a thing a bit more. "Haha she is a kitten! Looks like your first impressions aren't wrong, Hyung!" I laughed with him. "What do you meeannnnn!!!!!!" Y/n jokingly whined. 

"Minho hyung, did you know y/n likes head pats?" I suddenly said. "She also likes it when people give her hugs too! She generally gets lonely a lot so she likes knowing she's close with someone. She also likes things like holding hands because it makes her feel more comforted because she's scared of getting lost in crowds and in general!"

I pat y/n's head a little and she turned slightly pink because of all the information about her that was leaked by me. "Oh is that so? You really are like a kitten!" Minho chuckled. Y/n tried to make me stop patting her head but failed because I'm just too good at teasing her. 'Haha I spilled things about y/n, minho hyung is next!!'

"Oh but speaking of being like a kitten, Minho hyung you are really like a cat! You are cool and independent, but tend to get adored by the other members like an adorable cat! Everyone loves teasing you and taking care of you because of your cute reactions! Hahahah!" I reached over my sister and started to pat Minho hyung's head too and it was his turn to turn slightly pink.

"You guys are my favorite kitty duo! Hahaha." I kept teasing. "Shut up!" Y/n and Minho said in unison. They both looked so cute when pouting.




We kept talking about random things until I saw y/n starting to doze off to sleep. She tried to stay awake, but I could tell she was struggling. "Y/nine don't worry you can take  a nap." I said while gently patting her head. She hummed in response as she stopped trying to fight the urge to sleep and fell asleep quickly.

Her head rocked back and forth since she had nothing to rest it on. I gently moved her head so it would rest on Minho's shoulder and arm. Minho looked surprised and went a little stiff at the studded contact but then shot me a questioning glance. "Just trying to make you guys friends. You don't mind right?" I said.

"....not really. I guess this is fine." Minho said turning his face away from me. 

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