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Lee Know POV

It's been a few weeks since I got y/n's number, and we have been talking everyday, and we have become good friends. We decided today since we have a few hours of free time in between shooting videos for our YouTube channel, we decided to hangout at the near by park that had a huge lake connected.

"Oh my god~ the weather is AMAZING!" Y/n giggled as she twirled around and stretched. She is always so cute and just a pure ball of sunshine and joy, and her bubbly personality always cheers me up when I am down. Not to mention her outfits that matched her personality, it makes her look so cute. Today she was wearing a cute oversized tshirt and a pair of shorts. It was kind of hard to see the shorts because of how long the t shirt is. There was a cute illustration of pudding on the back of her tshirt which I found absolutely adorable.

"What do you wana do?" I asked leaning on a near by tree. Y/n looked up at the sky and thought for a bit before pointing at the lake. "Can we try riding the duck boats?" She asked with eyes that glimmered with excitement.

"We are allowed to get in even if we can't swim right..." I asked slightly worried. "I think it's fine, I can't swim either, so if we fall in the lake we will drown together!!" Y/n joked. I chuckled at her attitude as we walked towards the duck boats.

"Hi, would you like to ride a duck boat?" A staff lady asked. Y/n and I nodded, as the lady told us how to control the boat and how to make it move. We would have to pedal the duck boat, and there was a steering wheel that we could use to change direction.

"Will it be just the two of you?" The lady politely asked. Before y/n or I could respond, we were interrupted by an angry voice. "No, three of us." Y/n and I were both surprised as we turned to see the owner of the voice was Hyunwoo.

"Hyunwoo...? I thought you were going to go eat lunch with the others..." y/n half mumbled. "I'm not hungry anymore, and you don't mind me joining right? It's not like he's very important." Hyunwoo said shoving me to the side a little.

"Hey- don't push Lee Know Oppa like that. He's my friend." Y/n said while still keeping a gentle expression on her face. Something I kind of admire about y/n is the fact that even when she's tired she still keeps a pleasant facial expression which makes everyone instantly love her for her bubbly and loving personality. Sometimes I worry though, because I'm scared that she's pushing herself too hard.

Hyunwoo scoffed as the staff lady helped us get on the duck boat for three people. There were three places to pedal, and the seat was like a bench made for three. The steering wheel was in the center.

Hyunwoo rudely pushed past y/n and the staff lady and sat down first at the furthest end. "Can I sit in the middle? I wana drive the boat!!!" Y/n said with pleading eyes as she jumped up and down a little. I chuckled at how adorable she is and nodded. She excitedly climbed onto the boat, and I got on last.

The staff lady told us we were all set to go, so the three of us started peddling. It was not long before we were getting close to the middle of the lake, so we decided to take a break and enjoy the nature surrounding us. 

Something in the water caught my eye, so I tapped y/n's shoulder to show her. "Look it's fish!!" I said excitedly. Y/n gasped as she slightly leaned over me to see all the beautiful fish in the water. I held on to her arm to make sure she wouldn't fall or anything, and so she could lean as far as she wanted. 

"Oh my god!! They are so pretttyyyyyyyy!!!" She squealed. After looking at the fish for a little bit, y/n sat back down.

"What's the big deal about fish? They are slimy and gross, not that special either." Hyunwoo said rolling his eyes. Y/n seemed to feel hurt from his words, but she quickly hid it and put on a tiny smile, and just said nothing.

We all sat in silence for a few moments before Hyunwoo started to shuffle around in his seat. His leg was touching y/n's and he put an arm around y/n's shoulder. Y/n seemed surprised and uncomfortable by the sudden action, but because of the nice person she is she didn't say anything and looked away. 

"Haha embarrassed?" Hyunwoo teased. I could see y/n clenching one of her fists and she was very tense, and looked towards me for help.

"Hey, I don't think y/n is very comfortable right now? I think you should respect her personal space..." I said slightly lifting his hand off of y/n's shoulder.

"Dude you don't need to act so jealous. Maybe instead of making up fake claims you should let y/n speak for herself." Hyunwoo spat. 

Y/n looked down as she muttered something only Hyunwoo heard. I heard him click is tongue as he let go of her and crossed his arms while cursing. Y/n seemed scared, and she scooted a little closer to me. I moved as far to my end of the bench as I could fo give more space for y/n to move away from Hyunwoo. 

I felt fingers lightly brush the top of my hand, as y/n made eye contact with me again, but this time she looked like she was about to cry, but was desperately trying to hold it in. I offered my hand to Hyunwoo in a way he wouldn't be able to see and y/n quickly and firmly held onto my hand.

She turned our boat around as she and I started peddling back to the dock while Hyunwoo kept cursing the rest of the ride. 

At the dock I got off first and then helped y/n get up, and Hyunwoo stormed off the boat, and pushed the kind staff lady making her fall in the process. Y/n scurried over to her and offered her a hand, while apologizing on Hyunwoo's behalf. 

The staff lady gave her a weak smile as she thanked y/n for her kindness.




Y/n and I walked to some picnic tables in silence and we stood across from each other, while y/n stared at the ground. She was shaking slightly and was still tightly holding my hand. 

I bent down a little to become the same height as her, as I gently rubbed her back. "Hey, are you okay...?" I asked in a soft tone. She looked up at me and tears started to stream down her face. "I- I was... really scared..." she said. 

"Hey, shhh, you're okay now, take a deep breath." I said gently wiping her tears off her cheeks. Y/n took a few deep breaths, and started to calm down.

"Why did he do that?? Why did he suddenly touch me like that?? When I told him I was uncomfortable and I would like him to let go, he got mad at me... did I do something bad?? I don't want to upset him since we also work together... i... I also... I didn't like that he touched my thighs..." she said despirately.

I sat her down on one of the nearby picnic tables as she spoke. 'Wait he touched her thighs??!! I only saw his leg touch her knee and all that, I must have not seen. That Hyunwoo guy, he's disgusting...' I thought to myself. 

Y/n started crying again, so i cupped her face with my hands and got her to look at me again. "Look, he made you uncomfortable, and you were just defending yourself. Even though you guys work together, that doesn't give him the right to touch you, especially around your thighs, that's somewhere that anyone would be uncomfortable with. He was acting like a terrible guy, and you don't deserve to feel this upset, especially because of him. Ou did absolutely nothing wrong. Understand?" I said looking into her eyes. 

Y/n nodded sniffling a little. "...can we keep this little incident to ourselves...?" She asked timidly. I nodded, but suggested to tell her brother. "Why?" She asked. 

"Your brother loves you and wants to protect you, and just in case, this way you have more than one person to turn to if he does anything again." I replied. She thought for a bit before making her decision. 

"Okay I will tell him about it later. Wait, I can turn to you if I need...?" She said her eyes lighting up at the end. I was a little surprised as she leaned forward a little. I nodded and gave her a gentle smile.

She shuffled around a bit before asking, "Can I hug you? Because I'm happy?" I nodded and she pulled me into a warm hug. I returned it and wrapped my arms around her too. We held the hug for a bit before we pulled away.

I pat y/n's head, and I stood up and helped her up too. "Do you wana go buy some tanghulu because we still have some time until shooting?" I offered.

"YeeeeeEEEESSSSSSSS!!" She hopped around.

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