Chapter 2: Seeing new people

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Alice and her mother Ellen arrived at Lord Grey's garden party in time for the lunch to be served. Her mother advised her to not eat too much because she would feel bloated later, and that would not do well when she socialized. Alice felt so out of place with the ton, all she wanted to do was beg her father to spend her back to their country home so she can be by herself and her books. Alice walked around admiring the grounds. Lord Grey was a very rich man who had come into a shipping business, his inheritance from his father.

"Alice dear what are you doing," a familiar voice said behind her. Alice turned behind to see Lord Grey's sister Annabelle walk towards her. Annabelle was the same age as Alice but was far more beautiful, she was the apple of the men's eye and it drove the other ladies crazy.

"Annabelle your brother's home is beautiful I just had to walk around." Alice answered her friend. Annabelle took Alice's arm and led her towards the apple trees.

"Alice you would not believe the people I have just met. They from out of town and have just arrived. They are so weird." Annabelle giggled

"Annabelle that is not very nice." Alice smiled at her friend Annabelle had so much growing up to do.

"Oh they are weird; the one man has on an all-black attire, not suited for a garden party, and the other looks more like a school boy than a man." Annabelle and Alice began to walk towards the party guests , only to run into Lord Grey himself.

"Annabelle, Miss Alice I so happy to see you each having a good time." Lord Grey bowed to the ladies and Alice returned the gesture with a nod and smile.

"Miss Alice that blue looks so lovely on you; I must say you have grown into a mature young woman." Lord Grey grinned at her and Alice smiled back.

"Grey stop flirting with her Alice is my friend." Annabelle whined.

"No harm did Annabelle, Miss Alice my apologies." Lord Grey took Alice's hand and kissed her glove covered hand.

"You are too kind Lord Grey, but if you please excuse me I must find my mother. Thank you for the walk Annabelle." With that said Alice walked away without even looking back to see what she said. Alice had felt all the air rush from her body when Lord Grey had spoken to her. She did not like his advances towards her. Alice was scared that her mother would notice and would try to make a courtship out of it. Alice did not want to marry now; she had done anything with her life and wanted more than the life that had been chosen for her. Alice walked towards the trees on the south side of the garden, it was a more isolated part of the estate and Alice desperately wanted to alone. Alice walked on until she found a suitable tree to lean against and closed her eyes to listen to the nature around her. Alice had always enjoyed the sound of nature, had always soothed her nerves, the warm wind feeling so nice against her skin. Alice was finally beginning to calm down when something soft had landed on her face. Alice opened her eyes to find a white glove. Did you get lost in the wind and landed on Alice's face; Alice looked around for its owner.

"Excuse me!" A man voice was yelling at her. "Miss have you seen my glove I seem to have lost its other half." This man looked more like a boy, with his baby blue eyes and wavy gold almost white hair. He had the palest, cleanest skin Alice had ever seen on a man, and his outfit was the same. Everything was white with only a blue cravat to top everything off.

"Yes, I have it right her." She handed it the man.

"Oh thank you, I was so worried to see it gone and I just had to find it. What are you doing out here?" He asked her.

"That's a bit forward." Alice said.

"Sorry miss, my friend says I have no filter." He softly laughed. "My name is Mr. Jared White and what is your name?" He asked

"Alice Liddell" She said, and the man looked up at her and almost tensed. Had she said something wrong?

"Oh it is a pleasure to meet Miss Alice, would it be all right to accompany you out of this bush?" He politely lent his arm out to her. Alice accepted. They walked to where the other guests were and then found her mother.

"Oh Alice there you are, I would you to meet this nice young man." Her mother had stepped out of the way to introduce her to the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was beautifully dressed in all black, even his eyes where black and his hair was dark chocolate. In his hand he held a black top and in the other a cane with a gold ball topper. He looked too young to need a cane, but before Alice could think it through he had tucked the cane under his shoulder and held his hand out.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Alice." His voice was like velvet. Alice was speechless but managed a simple hello.

"My name is Mr. Daniel Hatsim

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