Chapter 9: Alice meets wonderland

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Alice woke up refreshed and ready to start another day, and as strange as it may be she was happy to be here. As she was getting dressed in a loose shirt, and pantaloons (for comfort and better mobility), and knee high boots, she was thinking about Daniel. He kissed her last night on the balcony and she felt like she was cloud nine. Yes, she could get used to this kind of attention. Alice looked at the clock when it struck 8:30, breakfast time, she was making her way down the hall when she heard voices. It sounded like Daniel and White Queen; Alice thought her mother would be mortified if she caught her ease dropping but Alice didn't care, she wanted to listen.

"Daniel she's a little human girl how do we know she can even stand up against Scarlet?"

"I believe in her White, even if you don't"

"Well here's hoping for your sake your beliefs don't back fire."

"White, we need a savoir and she is our last hope. No one in wonderland can truly fight with the Vorpal sword."

"I know Daniel" the Queen said "Daniel I've missed you so why did you not come visit me?"

"White anything between us is over."

"You say that now but last summer you spoke differently"

"Enough!" Daniel yelled.

"I love it when you play hard to get." With that Daniel stormed out the room, Alice hiding behind a curtain. White walked out but not without noticing Alice.

"He's mine Alice, remember that" and she walked away. Alice felt empty inside. Not Daniel he wouldn't lie to her. He said there was nothing between them.

At the breakfast table Daniel, Jared and Alice sat in silence. Alice barely touched her food, and kept stealing glances at Daniel, when he smiled at her she looked away, too ashamed to say anything.

"So Daniel what will we do today?" Asked Jared.

"Train some more until Alice is ready." Daniel said.

"Oh yes, let's train Alice like a dog, is that all you care about?!" Alice spat out at Daniel. She was furious but she didn't care.

"Alice calm down" Daniel stood up and reached out for her but she pushed it away.

"Go back to your precious White and leave me alone!" Alice stormed away but not quick enough because Daniel caught up to her.

"Alice what is the reason behind this?"

"I overheard your conversation was Queen White, you and her can a..a...thing and you lied to me about it." Alice was in tears and Daniel just stood there watching.

"Alice please White..." It was at that moment when a loud sound coming from the entrance erupted. Alice and Daniel ran toward the main foyer and saw Jared, Queen White and the Red Queen and her card guards.

"Queen Scarlet." Daniel whispered.

"Hello my dear Queen White how are you, so sorry for the mess but you know me I love to make an entrance." Scarlet laughed

"Yes I can see." Said Queen White

"Well I don't make house calls so give me what I want and I'll be out of your pretty blonde hair." Scarlet turned to Alice. "Give me the girl and the Vorpal sword and I'll promise your kingdom a less tragic downfall."

"Never!" yelled Daniel "Alice run get the sword!" With that Alice was gone, running up the stairway to her room. She could hear Queen Scarlet's command to capture her so she needed to be faster than the card guards. She reached her room and took the Vorpal sword ready for a fight. She could hear footsteps reach her doorway. It was the chess guards.

"Miss Alice, follow us." Said the chess piece. Alice followed the chess guards down another path through the palace and into a hidden door way. They were in the stable when they stopped running.

"Stay here Miss Alice, don't let the Queen get that sword!" and then they were gone and she was all alone in the stable.

"Ok Alice get a hold of yourself, your going to be ok."Alice said to herself. She needed to calm down if she was going to protect herself and her friends.

"Hello" said a deep voice. Alice turned around to face a card guard. "Come quietly and hand me the sword. No harm will come to you." He reached out a hand but Alice took a step back and raised the sword. "Foolish girl, I guess we need to do this the hard way." He lunged at Alice pushing her to the ground. Alice pulled her knee up and kicked the card in it's chest. She rolled up and tried to make a run but he grabbed her leg. She looked at the card and then at the sword beside her. She grabbed the sword, and allowed herself to be pulled by the card. When she was close enough she twisted herself so she could look at him. This card was a black 6 clubs card, with the blackest eyes. She drew sword up and rammed it into the card's chest. The card let go out her leg and looked down at his chest. A trickle of blood started drip down from the wound. He looked at Alice and collapsed to the floor. Alice was stunned, panting from adrenaline and fear. She finally stood up and flipped that card guard around to pull the sword. She never thought she could ever kill another being but she did. Alice then remembers about Daniel, Jared, the White Queen and Queen Scarlet. She started to run to the palace doors to see the disaster, the after mass of the fight. The foyer was falling apart, the marble pillars no longer standing but broke on the ground. Alice moved around the rubble.

"Daniel!" Alice yelled "Jared, White Queen!" She yelled until her voice was hoarse. But they went answering. Alice sunk to the floor and started to cry. She should've been there fighting with them. She couldn't even help her friends.

"Don't cry." Said a voice, Alice looked up.

"Who's there?"Alice asked. She looked around but saw no one there.

"Behind you." Alice jumped up and turned around, sword drawn. But it was not person, no guard, but a cat, a pink and purple cat.

"Don't be alarmed I am no harm to you." The cat's voice is calm and deep.

"Who are you?" she asked. The cat stared to walk around her.

"My name is Cheshire Cat, but my friends call me Chesie." He said. "And you are Alice Liddell Wonderlands savior"

"How do you know that?"

"I've been watching you and your friends. I seen the fight, I seen you kill that card guard."

"How did we not see you watching?" Chesie then jumped up and disappeared.

"I have my own powers." He said.

"You're invisible" Alice was past shock but still impressed.

"Immortal to but I'm not going to brag." Chesie was back on the ground, visible.

"Chesie will you please help get my friends back?" Alice begged. She couldn't go hiking through Wonderland alone.

"I don't help." Chesie started to lick his paws.

"Please I don't where they went and I don't my way through Wonderland."

"They went to the Red Castle, in the Blood Forest." He said. "Think of it as opposite of this place. It's not a nice happy place, harmony does not exist there."

"Well that's just nice. I need to save my friends and save Wonderland from this...this... Bitch!" Alice never swore in her life but at this moment she didn't care. "Cheshire Cat I'm not asking I'm telling you you need to help me. You want to live in Wonderland, a peaceful world well you need my help!"

Chesie looked at Alice, and then looked away.

"Ok let's go. It's a day hike to the Red Castle." Chesie turned and Alice followed determined.

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