Chapter 6: The story is revealed

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Alice awoke in a soft plush bed with the smell of cookies in the air. Mmm maybe the cook was baking cookies for lunch this morning. But the fantasy was short lived when the memory of going through the rabbit hole becoming the size of a flower, not to mention speaking to them, flooded her mind. She sat up in a rush and took note of her surroundings. The room was deep purple color with one window overlooking a garden. A green mushroom bed table sat beside the bed and the bed that she laid on was mattress sitting between the wings of monarch butter, a knock on the broke Alice of her gaze.

"Good evening Miss Alice," said Jared White, he walked into the room dressed in all white except this time he wore a white top hat with rabbit ears going through the sides.

"Good evening, where am I?" Alice asked.

"Daniel's home,"

"Oh... are you small as well?"

"No, Daniel woke you up for only a minute to make you eat a cookie. I guess the shock was too much for you because you fainted dead away again after you became normal size." He smiled at her and his teeth where so white.

"Mr. White please take me home." Alice pleaded

"I'm sorry it's a little more difficult to get you home then it is to bring you here," Jared answered "You see in order to get you hope you have to go through the looking glass mirror and there are only two left in all of Wonderland. They reside in the two palaces Red and White."

"Well then let's go" Alice jumped to her feet and nearly ran to the door when Jared stopped her.

"Alice stop you can't think just walk into one of the palaces and demand to see the looking glass. Besides both palaces are under siege." Jared looked in Alice's eyes, silently pleading that she understands. Alice desperately wanted to go home but if they two palaces were unreachable then she needed Jared and Daniels help.

"Alright I'll listen to what you men have to say but I want to know one thing, what is a Bandersnatch?" Alice asked.

"Oh Daniel will tell you all you want to know when we go down." Then Jared offered his arm and down the stairs they went. Daniel Hatters house looked as if it was dip dyed in deep purples and blues. Green mushrooms made the tables and pictures framed lined the walls in the hallway. Alice would have stopped to see them but right now was not the best time to make herself at home. Jared led her into the only right room in the house, the kitchen. The kitchen smelled strongly of cookies and over wonderful pastries but it was the woman baking them that caught Alice's eye, she a larger woman with a working dress and stained white apron around her waist. Her skin was the color of a fresh orange and her brown hair was wound into a bun atop her head. From her head protruded two antennas and two beautiful blue wings protruded from her back. Alice was mesmerized but yet frightened.

"Good morning Miss Alice it's a pleasure to meet you." The butterfly woman said.

"Like wise." It was all Alice could muster.

"My name is Mrs. Caterpillar I work as Mr. Hatter's housekeeper and cook. My husband Mr. Caterpillar is his work man outside." And all with a smile upon her plump face. "My dear girl you are a mess and you cannot see Mr. Hatter looking like that." Alice looked down at her dress and noticed that rips and dirt that made up most her attire. She loved this dress. Mrs. Caterpillar lead Alice into a room that had a tub and a clean dress sat on the table beside it. When Alice was clean she walked out into the garden to see the rest of the folk. She spotted Jared and walked over.

"Well you lovely and clean." He smiled at her.

"I feel much better thank you. Where is Daniel?" She asked

"Behind you," Said a clear deep voice. Alice turned around to meet Daniel eye to eye. "Alice you look ravishing." He took her hand and kissed it. Alice quickly removed her hand and looked Daniel in the eye.

"Now listen here, no amount of flirting is going to get me to stay here and fight some beast. Now tell me why in heavens you have brought me here!" She was furious at this point. Daniel looked her and finally, after seemed like forever, he nodded his head. He led the group to a picnic table sitting under and larger tree.

"Alice this story is too long for the rush we're in so I will spare the hefty details. When I was a boy my father was working the Hall of Doors, since his death I have taken over it. One day he decided that it was time I start my training and so he took me to work that day. Well you wouldn't believe how excited I was but not as excited when someone had dropped down from the rabbit hole." He paused as if to see if she was still listening. "He was named John Liddell and he unlike any other human could see into the rabbit hole that leads to Wonderland. The humans that do fall into the Hall of Doors we usually take to the White Palace to be taken back home. Unfortunately that was a dark day for the subjects of Wonderland. The former Red Queen had declared war on the White Palace and all of Wonderland was about to be destroyed. For years the Red and White courts we silently at each other's throats but kept peace for the sake of Wonderland. Well I guess Queen had enough and so they we were a bunch of hopeless Wonderland subjects and a human. What was worse is that the Red Queen had learned to summon the great Bandersnatch, a beast that would and did destroy anything and anyone in its path. For days the White and Red court fought, all the exits were being destroyed so survival was important. One day my father had decided to take my family to the far side of Wonderland in hopes of avoiding our demise. Sadly we did not move quickly enough. The Bandersnatch had raided our village, the card guards we killing our people until the Bandersnatch caught John. The Bandersnatch was afraid of John how we did know until we saw the sword in hand. The Bandersnatch had weakness for iron, and with that John killed the Bandersnatch and the White Queens chess guard won the battle." Daniel paused and looked at Alice. "Alice he is your great-great-grandfather."

Alice was just looked at him, all that information and she had no idea how to handle it. She had heard of her grandfather and only saw a painting of him. Alice finally regained her speech.

"If he killed the Bandersnatch then why did you tell I needed to kill it and if you met my grandfather all those years ago shouldn't you be over a hundred years old by now?"

"Both very good questions, one aging in Wonderland is different than in the human world. Yes I am quite old but I still look twenty one. Two the Red Queen that is on the throne, Queen Scarlet, has decided to finish the job her grandmother started all those years ago. She has found a way to bring the Bandersnatch back to life."

"Yeah so now with your help and your human abilities you can send it back to the grave!" Jared said. Alice looked at both men.

"Look I'm really sorry but have you seen me? I'm not fit to fight a undead Bandersnatch and save Wonderland.... I'm just a woman."

"Have you not been listening to me, women rule Wonderland, here there are no gender discriminations. We are all equals." Daniel said.

"Alice we have three days till Queen Scarlet raises that Bandersnatch. We can teach how to use your abilities and destroy the Red Queen and her pet." Daniel looked at Alice and then at Jared. Alice looked at everyone to. She knew she wouldn't be able to go back until she defeated the Red Queen. Her only way out is through the mirrors.

"Alright I'll do it."

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