Chapter 11: Saving Hatter and Jarred

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Alice run so hard she thought her heart was going to burst out of her chest. The fear of being caught was overriding all other thoughts floating through her head. Alice got her first real look at the Red Castle and she still amazed at its beauty. The castle was made of red brick and growing up every wall was red vines. Alice thought they were like the veins of the castle, pulsing with life and ready to put a fight. Alice looked up and saw an open window, she needed a way in this might be her only chance. She grabbed hold of a vein and began scaling the wall. She began to think of the car guards and how she hadn't seen on since the gate, maybe the Red Queen thought she was too scary to need guards on the inside. Alice climbed through the window and landed on the floor. It looked like a bed room, a huge canopy bed sat in the dead middle, a vanity on the right, everything red, like the color of blood. She opened the door slowly and crept out into the hallway, the sword tightly in her hand. Alice thought of her mother and father and how much she missed them. What would they say when she finally went home, if she can make it home. Alice found a stair case; she hoped it would lead to someone or something. The stair case lead to a hallway of dungeons, doors lining the walls it reminded Alice of the Hall of Doors. She tried every door but all were locked, she looked through the bars and see prison mates leaning against each other, she pitied them and she made a secret promise that if she and her friends made it out alive she would free these people to. Alice made it the cell that held her friends, Jared, Daniel, but no Queen White. Alice could only assume she was with Scarlet.

"Boys wake up!" she whispered. Alice picked up a small stone off the ground and through at Jared's head. He started awake surprised to see her.

"Oh Alice it's you" he said "Daniel wake up you dead weight its Alice." He gave Daniel a had shove and Daniel woke up. He ran up to the bars and grabbed Alice's hand.

"Alice go away it's a trap, the Red Queen knows you would come looking for us that's why she made it so easy for you to get into the castle. You need to leave!" Daniel said frantically.

"No not without you and Jared. Where's Queen White?" she asked.

"With Scarlet, but Alice leave!"

"No!" but before she could say anything else Daniel, Jared and Alice we in the foyer of the Red Castle. Much like the White Palace this foyer had pillars, and was gorgeous; the red roses lined the walls.

"Good to see you come to the party." A woman's voice said. Alice turned to see Scarlet facing her. This woman was so beautiful, pale skin, red lips and red curly hair that hung below her shoulders. She wore a tight fitting gown with an amour corset. She was clearly ready for battle.

"You need to stop this." Alice cried

"That's hilarious you know. You can't stop me. White gave it her all but even she couldn't do anything." Scarlet held out her hand and a flame of blue burned above. In the flame was a picture of White on a floor, her white gown drenched in blood.

"Why must you do this to innocent people?"

"Because my former queens want me to, they need me to finish the work they couldn't finish. I need to be the one who takes control of all of Wonderland." She smiles at Alice "And you the rest of the funny bunch were in my way." She waved her hand and Alice, Daniel and Jared flew to the wall. They were stuck against it.

"No Scarlet you don't need to finish it, you were not always like this!" said Alice "You had a life before all of this, you need to remember it." Scarlet picked up the Vorpal sword that fell out of Alice's hand.

"My life before this had no meaning; I must do what my queens want of me." Scarlet turned and walked into the centre of the room. She set the sword on the sword stood up and started chanting in a language Alice didn't understand.

"Alice!" said Daniel.

"Yes Daniel."

"Alice I'm sorry I pulled you into this mess. You don't deserve this."

"Daniel I want to be here. When I first landed in Wonderland I was so scared and helpless but you and Jared taught me that I can be more than just a proper lady, I can be a fighter."

Daniel chuckled a little "I'm glad I threw you into the rabbit hole." Alice got an idea.

"Daniel your hat, you said it didn't work the same way if you try to jump into it from Wonderland. If we can get Scarlet into the hat maybe we can stop her."

"Yeah that might work, but I don't have my hat Scarlet took it. And not to mention we can't move." This left Alice with a problem, how to get out of the spell. Alice was beginning to think that all hope was lost and that Wonderland was boomed because she wasn't strong enough. She began to pray, she prayed to be with her mother and father, she prayed for a solution to this problem, she prayed for help. Then as if God heard her prays Scarlet was thrown across the room, the Vorpal sword landed on the floor and they were no longer stuck to the wall. It was Chesie saving the day. Alice ran up to grab the sword.

"Alice are you alright, hatter, Jared?" asked Chesie.

"Yes, but Hatter and Jared are in ruff shape and need to be taken for some where safe. Please can you do that?"

"Alice I'm not leaving you!" Hatter protested

"Yeah me either." Jared said but he was clutching his stomach and clearly in pain.

"You can't fight and besides this is my problem, it's my blood." Alice wanted to cry because she didn't want to push away hatter but she knew she had to. "Go" and she turned on her heels to face Scarlet.

"I'll get them to safety but I don't know if I can get back in." said Chesie

"That's I'll show myself out."

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