6 - The Whims Of The Princess

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I will never forget the faces of my family in this instant. A mixture of confusion and shock as they stared at Tiānshān's princess.

Ranefer was still in his own little world, while the Queen stared at the princess in surprise. Meanwhile Pakhom and our father, The King, shared the most shocked and confused looks of them all.

Those faces lasted only a few seconds at most, but I'd remember them for an eternity. Before anyone could speak a word I quickly moved from my seat, kneeling down in front of Tiānshān's princess.

"I would be honored, Princess Sun Ying." I spoke, staring up at her.

She stared into my eyes, a smile on her face. "Wonderful." She looked over to my father, who for now had composed himself. "Then there shall henceforth be a treaty between Tiānshān and Yatager. Unless there are any objections?"

"Of course not." The King quickly stated with a cough. "As long as you are fully sound in your decision, Princess."

"I am." She confirmed. "Then I shall borrow my newly made fiancé for now and inform him about the conditions of the treaty."

And with that, she turned around and exited the room. And without sparing a glance back at them, I followed her. We walked through the hallway silently as I followed her lead. But I knew exactly where she was going to.

The library.

We entered the room, her guards talking their same posts as she went and sat down in that same chair. "Come, let's talk once more." She stated.

I sat across from her, staring at the strange princess in front of me. I have no idea why she chose me of the three.

I have the least power in Yatager. I was the most unlikely to become the next King. I have turned my back on Yataghayar.

I am the worst choice. And yet, for some reason, she picked me in this life. What a surprise.

What a wonderful, very pleasant surprise.

This has completely changed my standing. Where once my chances at becoming King were minuscule, they have now greatly increased. Having the support of the Princess of Tiānshān through being her fiancé was the best possible outcome. One I hadn't even thought was possible.

This arrangement benefits me more than her. The only thing she truly gets out of this is the alliance to Yatager. Nothing else.

"Aren't you curious?" She asked.

"About what?" I questioned.

"About why I chose you." She smiled, leaning her head against her hands.

"Perhaps a little." I honestly replied. "But while your reasoning eludes me, what matters more to me is the fact you chose me."

"I suppose that's the difference between us." She giggled. "I'd be so curious I wouldn't be able to sleep until I knew why."

"There is something I'd like to ask about." I stated. "What conditions must I know?"

"They're about what you would expect." She answered. "Should our engagement be broken off, so shall the treaty between the two nations, unless a new agreement is formed."

"We are obligated to visit each other's nation a few times each year." She continued. "Next time, you'll be visiting Tiānshān. I'll make sure you're up to speed on our etiquette before then."

Interesting. That would be my first time venturing past Yatager. For all my life, and of my past, I have only been in the walls of Solus and sometimes in the desert beyond.

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