5 - The Princess Of Tiānshān

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I stood next to Pakhom and Renefer, the older on my left and the younger on my right. And evidently, from the barely hidden glares into my sides, they hadn't expected me to be here.

Neither did father, who I could feel piercing me from behind with his gaze. But considering we were in public, with a crowd of people behind us, it wasn't like any of them could do anything.

I should probably watch my back in the coming days. And maybe wake up a few extra times tonight.

We stood in front of the Solus River, waiting for the arrival of the princess. And after a little while longer of waiting, a boat sailed into view.

On the boat was a total of five people. Three of which with scales across the arms, legs, and with draconian wings from their back. From their foreheads protruded sharp, bony like horns. They are Hòuyì, and according to a legend in the book, descendants of a kind of Astrals called the "dragons".

The other two had bird like talons on their hands and feet with large, feathery wings coming from their backs. And those are Yǔmáo, said to be descended from another kind of Astrals called the "pegasus".

Both of those Astrals are rare, legendary, lightning Astrals. Apparently one hasn't been seen in decades. The book with this information was made about a decade ago though, so who knows how accurate it is to today.

They docked the boat, getting off and walking towards us. A singular girl took the lead, the single one of the five to be of a similar age to myself and my brothers.

That must be the princess. The other four, judging by their armor, are guards.

The princess' hair was a dazzling golden, and her eyes shone like rubies. For a second, the eyes of Zahra flashed into my mind. Those crimson red eyes of my retribution.

I closed my own, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. There is no point in thinking about my death right now. I get enough of that at night.

I opened my eyes once more, analyzing the princess again. Her hair was tied up in an elaborate and complex method, and she was outfitted in a long, flowing red dress.

From her elbows to her hands were golden scales, and from her back spread golden draconian wings. From her forehead came two small horns. The horns were a pure white, looking like sharp, bony knives. The other two Hòuyì had scales of different shades of blue.

"King Pakhom the Second greets the Princess of Tiānshān." Dear old father spoke from behind me.

"Queen Anippe greets the Princess of Tiānshān." The Queen followed her husband's lead.

After that my older brother, Pakhom the Third, then introduced himself in the same way. I see. How surprising that no one taught me of this etiquette.

"Prince Kori greets the Princess of Tiānshān." I spoke with a slight bow.

After me Renefer then did his greeting. And finally, with a slight bow, the princess spoke.

"Princess Sun Ying greets the Yatager Royal Family." She nodded.

And with the greetings done, it was time for the event to start. The princess, followed by her bodyguards, walked over to the eldest of Yatager's princes.

They walked off to have their meeting. The crowd started to disperse, having had their fun at witnessing the arrival of Tiānshān's princess.

Ranefer and I, however, are supposed to go back to the palace and wait for our meetings with the princess. The king and queen had already started walking back, Renefer and I shortly following.

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