10 - Storms And Fire

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"I wonder what these symbols could mean?" Princess Sun Ying stated as she walked beside me.

After we finished exploring the supposed armory we continued down the stairs to the next level of rooms. What awaited us were mostly empty and decrepit rooms, filled with rubble, destruction, and sand.

Lots of sand. Some rooms had even been overflowed, preventing any entry or exploration. If there happened to be something of note within these rooms, the risk of obtaining nothing simply wasn't worth the effort of trying. Especially when so many of the available rooms held nothing of interest.

At least, for me. I had expected for the Princess to be running ahead, checking every nook and cranny. Examining each piece of rubble and then looking under it.

Instead, she walked right next to me, fingers tracing the side of the blade as she continued to stare at it. She pointed at the engravings in the blade, following the path with a dazzling look in her eyes.

"I assume it's this ancient civilization's language." I stated. "Whatever it means has been lost to time."

"Perhaps." She whispered. "Kori, would you like to name it?"


"You should name it." I replied. "After all, it is now yours."

She smiled in response. "Then I'll call it Red Lotus."

"Because of the red hilt?" I asked.

"Somewhat." She smirked in response. "I will have something for you in return when you finally come to Tiānshān."

"I look forward to it." I nodded.

Perfect. Keeping the relations well is going as planned. The little hiccup with me not answering her letters due to my lack of knowledge of them is now resolved. And I have gifted her this find as well.

The fact she's giving a gift in return is a good sign. She is immeasurably valuable to my chances at becoming king. I should make it a habit to give her a gift each time I see her.

"I want to know more about you, Kori." She suddenly stated.

"Such as?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Anything." She smiled.

"Anything?" I repeated.

She nodded. "I'm a curious girl, Kori. So tell me about yourself."

Princess Sun Ying is dangerous.

Too many things from my previous life are the first to come to mind. But I cannot exactly mention those. In fact, I should avoid broaching any topic near them. If I lie to avoid talking about my past life, she'll notice the lie.

I must direct this conversation carefully.

But what can I talk about?

I read. I train. I've become her fiancé. That is everything that has happened in this life. Everything else is irrelevant.

"Having trouble?" She asked.

"...yes." I admitted.

"Then, if I'm not asking for too much..." She locked onto my eyes. "...could you tell me about your scar?"

The x-shaped scar on my left eye. Made from two fine strokes. I unconsciously traced the scar, realizing what I was doing after it had already been done.

"It is the symbol of one who has betrayed Yataghayar." The servant from behind pitched in.

"Was I asking you?" She suddenly glared at him, causing him to fall silent.

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