7 - Complications With Connections

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The library is no longer safe.

No where in this palace is truly safe. Especially now. But where no one used to bother me in the library before, that is no longer the case. It seems the fact that I was chosen over Pakhom by Princess Sun Ying became a sore point for him.

I realized that when he took the book I was reading right from my hands and burned it in an instant. Luckily it was a book I had already finished, but a surprising amount of disgust welled up within me from his action.

As such, I haven't been to the library that often in the past month since Princess Sun Ying's visit. I've already read most of the books, and I'd rather keep the rest of them from the fate of becoming ashes.

Sometimes Eman will deliver me a book to read within my own room. It is fortunate that I am usually not bothered within there. After all, it is much more difficult to explain entering a prince's room compared to a library.

One cannot simply stroll in and expect to be unscathed. Before, I was a prince with no true power. Now, thanks to being the bridge between Yatager and Tiānshān, that has changed.

The only ones who could perform such a transgression without punishment now are the fellow royals. And there has been a few times that Pakhom has intruded upon my abode.

At the very least, he doesn't attempt to murder me. Most likely because that would be foolish to do so. With my growing power it is difficult to simply cover up my murder.

It hasn't stopped someone, however. I was awake after one of my frequent and unfortunate dreams when someone crept in during the middle of the night.

Sitting up and making them aware that I was awake was enough to scare them off before I could see who it was. That was quite fortunate, as I do not have a sword within my room.

Correction. I did not have a sword within my room. Now I do. Along with a shield, both of which are right next to my bed. The sword, sitting on the shelf, and the shield which leans against it.

Since then no one has attempted to make a movie during the night. It hasn't stopped my vigilance, for they could always be waiting for me to drop my guard.

Within this palace, my guard can never be dropped.

With a growing hostility from my family I have spent more time training with the soldiers. For both strength, skill, and simply to keep outside of the palace.

Recently I have also started making ventures out into the city of Yatager. Up until now I have been solely within the palace and the soldier's barracks. I had yet to visit the streets and heart of Yatager.

I have been met with little success. I hold a power over these citizens. They are aware of that. But it doesn't stop their scornful looks as they stare at me.

I hate the way they stare. The way their eyes demean, full of burning hate. The disgust that passes their faces. The wary looks and the tense stances.

Wherever I walk, their stares pierce into me. The moment I arrive, I am suddenly the center of attention. Everything is silent. Everything is still. As if time had been frozen.

But time has not been frozen.

Those stares make me want to rip their eyeballs out. Slaughter the lot of them. Make an example out of someone, show the city their decapitated head.

But that is the unbridled rage that I must keep locked away. The anger which had driven me in the past life was naught but foolish, uncontrolled emotion.

Acting upon that led to my death.

So despite the stares that are insulting towards a prince, I bite my tongue and hold my words. Constraining my rage brings silence, and silence brings opportunity.

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