11 - Vanquish The Weakness

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I stayed in my room for three days straight. Throughout that time I was visited by three people; my older brother, General Akar and Eman. My brother for the sole reason of rubbing the incident in my face. He really makes it difficult to not strangle him.

General Akar came by to check in on me. Told me to rest easy and then return to training when I had healed. How arrogant, to automatically assume the prince would return. It's unfortunate that he is correct in that regard.

Eman has been informing me of what has been going on during my brief solitude. I was rushed back here in a hurry, Princess Sun Ying demanding that I be immediately treated.

She is likely the only reason I was treated. The power of Tiānshān's sole princess is strong, even here in Yatager. Especially here since we wish to keep our alliance with the floating islands.

Eman informed me that Princess Sun Ying had wished to stay with me until I awoke, but had to return to Tiānshān. She was only supposed to be here for a day. If she stayed longer, her family would've believed something had happened to her.

To have a family that would worry is quite the privilege.

I awoke the morning after the incident, and have been in my room for the three days after. Eman has been delivering my meals in the meantime.

Thanks to Princess Sun Ying showing off the knife I gifted to her, the expedition was marked as a success. Meaning that there will be more in the future. Both ones conducted by Princess Sun Ying and I, as well as others conducted by trusted individuals of the king.

It's obvious that my father simply wants to obtain any relics that lie within these ruins, instead of having them fall into mine or the Tiānshān Princess' possession.

Princess Sun Ying stated that the servant had been attacked and killed by an Astral in the sandstorm before the soldiers could drive it away. The soldiers fully backed her words.

My injury here is supposedly from that same fire Astral. That was the report of the soldiers and Tiānshān's Princess.

Even Eman believes that to be the truth. Only Princess Sun Ying and I, and maybe the soldiers, know what truly happened.

I reached my hand up, lightly bringing my fingertips across the bandages wrapped around my neck. Even now, it continued to ache. Continuing to remind me of my failure.

Ultimately, the exploration of the ruins was a success. But it had two casualties. One death. One injury.

That is not good enough. It's not perfect. Who will follow a man that leaves others to die? That cannot even defend himself?

They don't know the full story, nor does it matter. At the end of the day someone didn't return from that desert. And when all of the cards are stacked against me, I need to be perfect if I wish to win.

This isn't enough.

My hands gripped against the bed tightly, threatening to rip it. I am barely holding back the urge to break something. I grit my teeth as my fists clenched further.

A knock rang on the door. I took a deep breath, letting my hands relax. Smidgens of blood dripped from my hands. I quickly wiped them away against my pants.

I was about to tell Eman to enter when the voice of someone I hadn't expected.

"Prince Kori." The Queen's voice spoke from behind the door. "May I enter?"

As if I have the right to refuse, "mother".

"Of course, my Queen." My voice rasped out, a hot pain searing through my neck. I bit back my anger, hiding it beneath the pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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