1 - The Bastard Second Prince

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This story begins with my death.

I was currently forced into a kneel, knees pressed against the ground and arms locked behind my back. Two rebels stood behind me, each holding one of my shoulders to keep me in place.

To put their own king down in a position like this, these ungrateful peasants. I am no stranger to attempts on my life, but never by this many at once. And now I was here, in front of the crowd that made up the citizens of this kingdom.

They had caught me by surprise. If it wasn't for the betrayal of those in the palace, then I would've already taken off all of their heads. But instead, it looks like mine will be the one rolling. How humiliating.

I've exhausted my magical capacity. Even if I did, my hands are in no proper position to put them into use. My strength was starting to fail me, my body was refusing to move.

The curved blade pressed against my throat was cold and uncomfortable. If I moved myself too much a deep cut would be left upon my neck. And then I'd end up dying pathetically, bleeding out to death.

It would be even more damn humiliating than this current occurrence.

I glared up at the woman who currently held this sword to my throat, who looked back into my own eyes with a gaze just as cold. Her sharp, ruby colored eyes didn't back down from mine, unlike most nowadays.

Instead, they held the look I hated the most.


Her long, messy black hair flowed in the wind, bloodied and dirtied from days of fighting. Her tanned skin glistened from the heat and brightness of the two suns above. The two cat ears atop her head were alert and listening intently for any final move I may pull.

Zahra, the leader of the rebellion.

How dare she look down on me.

"Kori Fennori the Tyrant, the final of the royal bloodline..." She clearly and loudly spoke for the people of this kingdom that looked on in excitement.


"...you are going to pay for your crimes. For the murder of your royal family. For unlawfully taking over this kingdom. And for the many innocents you slaughtered." She continued.

"It is with pleasure that we shall say goodbye to the royals for good." She declared. "And we will change this nation for the better. Starting with your execution."

With that little speech the peasants went wild, cheering and clapping for her. They whooped and hollered, jumping up in down in joyous glee at the words she had spoken.

Someone started chanting, and soon enough, the rest of them were too. My ears were filled with the cries and screams of "execution!", "kill him!", and "down with the tyrant!".


They're cheering so fervently for my demise.


Don't they realize they were better with me? Don't they realize that the rest of the royal family was going to bring this nation to ruin?

Yet, they're so joyous at the prospect of my death.

I thought that I would be the one to make this kingdom better. But can that be done when you're so hated by your own subjects? Have I become just like them?

No, the peasants are just fools!

Of course they'd be so happy for my death, they've hated me since the moment I was born. I'm nothing like my damn father, I'm not!

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