chapter seven - headshot .

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Ella couldn't lie and say she didn't feel a tingle of anticipation as she strode over to 141's designated meeting room. The whole task force had been roused earlier that day, to meet at noon sharp. She joined Soap in the hallway, his characteristic grin adorning his sculpted face as he greeted her.

"You excited, lass?" Characteristic deep Scottish accent intermingled with the cheeky grin he was known for, she adjusted her pace to match his.

Fuck these guys and their long legs. She thought to herself, not actually upset but rather just finding something to complain about.

"You could say so." She offered him a small smile.

"Getting right back in the thick of it. Can't remember the last time we got sent out on something simple, bonnie." A blush crept up her neck at the nickname, looking up to meet his pretty eyes, but she said nothing as he continued. "It'll be good to see you out there. I've heard things about you, you know?"

"Oh God. Do I want to know?" The look he gave her answered the question, his cheeky smile telling her that she would be embarrassed by what he had to say.

"Oh it's nothing serious, lass. Just heard about your nickname. Angel out on the field, huh?"

I knew it.

"Fuck's sakes, who was it?" Shaking her head, she grimaced at the idea of the rest of her Task Force finding out. "MacTavish, I swear to God, I'll have your bollocks faster than you can say 'shite' if you tell a single soul."

A full blown laugh escaped his lips as he raised his hands defensively, eyes widened, "Jesus, don't worry. I don't kiss and tell."

"Who's kissing and telling what?" Gaz asked, laying a hand on both Soap and Ella's shoulders from behind them. She looked at Soap like a deer caught in the headlights, and all he could do was burst out laughing.

"Nothing! Don't- uh, don't worry about it Gaz." Hand nervously raised to the back of her neck, she knew Gaz wasn't going to buy it.

Hate that fucking name. Her mind tried to wander to her previous task force, and the story behind the name she hated that just seemed to stick. She pushed down the guilt that she had become familiar with. Now is not the time.

"Fucking hell, Ella." Soap could only shake his head, amused smile still on his face. "Thank God you never signed up to be a spy."

"I'll get it out of you one day." Gaz warned, but the conversation ended there as they entered the meeting room. This one was more private than the one Laswell had taken her to. No windows or doors besides the one they used to enter or exit, they were sure no one would watch in their meetings.

Around a large, table in the center of the room stood Ghost and Price, looking over some files spread out over the modern glass. Behind them, adorning the bare white wall was a large TV displaying what Ella assumed was a live video call with Laswell. Besides that, the room boasted not much more besides a few potted plants placed haphazardly around the room in a desperate attempt to bring it some life.

"Right, gentlemen- and er, lady, let's get to it." Price addressed them as they entered, looking up from the files. Ghost looked up as well, moving to take a seat to the right of their captain. Ella took the seat across from him, as was customary at that point, with Gaz next to her and Soap heading over to sit next to Ghost.

"Good morning everyone. How's the training going, Ella?" Laswell greeted them from the other side of the screen.

Singled out, Ella cleared her throat quickly before she responded. "I'd say it's been going pretty good. Right, Captain?"

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