chapter nine - ghorbrani .

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"Got six hostiles near the entrance of the warehouse." Reborn muttered into her radio, looking down her scope as she continued to scan the warehouse. Situated on hard land, nestled between rocky hills, she was thankful for the cover that the sparse vegetation offered her and Ghost. They had made sure to change radio frequencies to one shared just by the two of them, so the cross chatter from all others involved in the mission didn't distract them. "Eight more round the side here. Three on the second floor balcony."

A small breeze whistled behind her, the only noise she could hear besides the occasional communication with her team. The sun was sweltering, unforgiving as beads of sweat rolled on her neck from the exposure. The warehouse in front was oddly well taken care of - fresh paint, vehicles neatly parked around the building, and guards patrolling dutifully around the perimeter.

Bastards won't know what hit 'em.

"Take the ones upstairs first. You take two, and I'll take the one on the right." Ghost, situated a distance away from her to cover a different angle, was brief in his order.

"Roger that Lieutenant."

Two guards leaned against the railing, engaged in conversation. She inhaled, looking down her scope. She raised the cross hair three notches for distance, slightly to the right in account of the wind. Once happy with the angle she shot, swinging her scope to the right, doing the math, and bringing down the other guard within seconds from the first. Both fell forward in a spray of bloodied mist, accompanied by the lone guard to the right thanks to Ghost's handiwork.

Rot in hell, fuckers.

"Good shots." Ghost praised over the radio.

"You too, Lieutenant."

"See the four guards to the left of the door? Take three there, I'll take the two to the right and one from the left."

"Roger." Brief in response, she looked down her scope again. Four guards clumped together, three smoking cigarettes. "Lung cancer kills, you know." She muttered as she took aim, three notches for distance, angled slightly to the right, and fired three shots. They each fell. "Secondary smoke too." She added, dropping the fourth, and only non smoking, guard in their group. Sick satisfaction coursed through her veins like adrenaline.

"Stealing kills now, eh Reborn?" A deep chuckle crackled from her headset.

She couldn't help but smirk, "Gotta catch up, LT." With only two rounds left in her MCPR, she reloaded, looking down her sights at the guards on the building's visible side.

"Keep that energy up. Take out those two by the humvee, I'll take the three leaning against the wall. Drop the two arguing and I'll take the bloke watching them."

"Roger that." She affirmed, lining up the left most guard by the humvee in her sights. Her lungs inhaled the warm desert air, warming up her insides as she fired, quickly downing his friend as well. Just further back a pair were heavy in argument, and from that angle she could drop them both with one bullet. Her grin was wicked, excited as she took aim, inhaled, and fired. Both of them dropped. "Headshots."

Each kill was a thrill - exciting, and she found herself wanting more of it.

"Good shit." Praise came through the radio again as the two surveyed their work. "Alpha team, you are clear to infiltrate. External hostiles neutralised."

"Good work Bravo team. Alpha team approaching the entrance now." Price relayed back to them, and soon after she saw the familiar figures of her colleagues swinging around to the side entrance. With a few commands muttered from Price, they infiltrated quietly. She could hear the faint gunshots from where she was situated even.

Reborn ↣ Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now