Chapter 5: Krai

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(Warning: chapter may be a little graphic)

He squeezes my hips with his hands and pulls the lower half of my body up. "Get ready slut!" He laughs. With those last words he enters me roughly and I gasp in pain. "No! Stop! Please!" Tears streaming down my face. I can feel him pushing more inside of me and it hurts like hell. "Your so tight I like it!" He groans and I try to lift my leg to kick him off but fail. I continue to groan in pain and cry out for him to stop.

I pull up into the driveway worried from the empty van I seen about a block away before I pulled in. I hope there was just people sleeping in it. I grab the bags of chinease food I got in town and go inside. I guess Krai is still in the bedroom probably mumbling to herself again. I hurry and set the food down in the table and start for the bedroom. As I get closer to my room I hear Krai groaning in pain so I run and bust through the door. "Please stop please!" I hear her yell. There was a man on top of her raping her, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" I Shout. He jumps off of her and she tries to close her legs but winced in pain as she tries. I punch the guy in the face and grab my gun from the drawer real quick. A shorter man runs out of my closet scared. "DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!!!!!!" I scream. They both do as I say clearly scared of me as I call the cops. I hit them both with the but of my hand gun making then unconscious. "Krai are you okay?" I walk over to her letting her hands free from a belt. She stands up and almost falls back down on the bed but I catch her. She looked like she had just stopped crying but start again as she saw the men on the floor. She collapses onto me balling her eyes and and I hug her back rubbing her upper back. "Its gonna be okay, but your also goibg to be sore for a few days so take itI'm so sorry this is all my-" "no it's not " she cuts me off, " you didn't know this was going to happen." Her voice cracks and it breaks my heart. I lean over a litttle grabbing a medium sized blanket off the vanity wrapping it around her. She sakes gripping the blanket on her shoulders. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we slowly walked to the bathroom. "Can I take a shower?" She asks. "Of course." I smiled and turn on the water for her.

"I have some clothes in cabinet If you want to wear them." I say before closing the door and leaving. I call the cops to come get these guys, I think they're they ones who the police are looking for... They're the serial rapists who raped that old lady a week ago I believe.


I felt so disgusting, like I had been in dirt and mud all day. I need to wash this filth off of me. My legs hurt from new penitration. I can't believe that's the way I had to lose my virginity. Tears flooded my eyes as I adjusted the tempeture of the water before I got in.
The water was warm and the cold breeze from the ceiling fan felt good along with it. I quickly washed and rinsed my hair and lathered my body in soap. This water was feeling so good on my still freezing skin. Will I ever warm up? I turned the knob heating the water a bit more and leaned against wall and closed my eyes. I daydreamed to back when I was a kid when I had free will to explore without a care in the world. Where I could do whatever I want and not feel in danger. Before I inherited such large power passed down in my family. I knew my parents weren't my real parents when it didn't come from them. I haven't completely gained full strength because I have to do more ritual dances of exception but I haven't got around to learning the others. I heard knocking on the bathroom door and it brought me back to reality.

"Yes?" I yell. "Are you okay?" I hear Ralph ask concerned.

"I'm fine, just about to get out." I reply loudly over the loud shower.

"Okay, the cops just left with the men who broke in.." He states. I don't reply, I totally forgot about them with my mind stuck in a day dream. I turn off the shower and wipe myself with a piece of toilet paper to see if I'm still bleeding but comes off clean. I open up the cabinet and there's a few pairs of boxers and tshirts folded neatly and small stacked piles. "Really, these only? Guess it's better than nothing." I shrug talking to myself. I decided on a pair of blue grey plaid boxers and a black plain t-shirt. They're both a bit baggy on me but more comfortable than the clothes I have. I walk out into the bedroom to get my brush out of my bag and Ralph is in there changing the bed sheets. I quietly get my brush out of my bag and Ralph looks at me in surprise. He doesn't say anything but walks up and hugs me tightly. "Careful, I'm still sore. They hit me a few times for not obeying." I say holding onto his arms. He loosens his grip and kisses my shoulder. "Are you alright? You seem a bit upset." I ask.

"I'm just fine, I should be asking you if you're okay?" He half asks.

"I'm just fine, just a bit sore and depressed but who wouldn't be after that." I claim and giggle. He laughs and let's go to look at me. He gently kisses me on my cheek and I jump a little. "I warmed up our chinease, let's eat. " he smiled pulling me with him out of the room, we decide to watch family guy on Netflix and lounge on the couch and eat Orange chicken. It was nice relaxing on the couch but I was still upset but it didn't show on the outside.a lot has happened lately. Crazy how I found my old friend and here I am being lazy on his couch. I half smile and punch my last price of Orange. Hicken in my mouth. Ralph looks to into the show, of course Peter is doing something crazy. When isnt he. I get up grabbing my thrash and walk to the kitchen to throw it away. I stand staring at the sky out of Tue kitchen window, I wonder what I'll feel like wine I leave here. Right now I kind of just want to be alone but I never will. My thought are always causing some kind of commotion in my mind. I jump to a feeling on mysideand slingmy arm towards that way and hit something.

*Thud!!* I hear under me, I look I over to see Ralph lying on the kitchen floor.

"Are you okay?!?" I ask trying to crouch down but my hurt ribs stop me. "Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to scare t u I deservedYou okay.....?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I say sounding like I don't beleive myself. Ugh I'm so dumb sometimes. "Well family guy is off and I'm getting tired..." He trails off.

"So is there a reason you're telling me?" I pro a my sound a little rude.

"Well, I was wondering you wanted to sleep in my room with me, you might feel as scared as sleeping alone out here." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Sure," he doesn't say anything but smiles and starts to walk away and I follow. If I sleep out here someone else might break in. Although when I walked through the living room I think I seen the tiger on the couch. She's such a sweet tiger, I couldn't see her being a killer or something like a guard dog. "You don't have to sleep in the edge of the bed, if you want to scoot closer that's fine with me." Ralph says sitting down on one side. I face plant the other side of the bed next to him and he puts covers over me and I fall asleep.

(Soooooo yeah... A lot of things are going to happen in this story. I try to write longer chapters but hoping you like them :D thinking of starting another story after this one..... Any ideas? Comment :) :D )

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