Chapter 2:Krai

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I stayed silent the whole way to wherever we were going.  Why did I get in this strange mans truck? I should know better not to do this. But, something deep down told me to. Why? I huffed and leaned my head against the passenger door window. "You seem so mysterious, I'm intrigued." Ralph laughed.

"What?" I raised up to look at him.

"You looked lost in your thoughts. I feel like I know you yet you're so far away when you're right next to me." He tempted to explain.

"Yeah I get that a lot....I guess its just a reflex to distance myself from people." I rubbed my neck a little embarrassed.

"Hey, it's what makes you who you are I guess. It's just how you are." he said a minute later. I've only heard those words from one person in my life.

    I walked around the county fair looking around at all the games and prizes. I only had enough money to get in but I still liked to walk around. There was a ledge that was on the fair grounds.... It was kind of out there but for someone like me I liked it, the veiwand the peicfulness I felt. I was young at the time but life treated me otherwise. It was the last night of the county fair and it was becoming dark. A lot had happened that night. My parents were fighting and completely trashed so I went to the place that was most quiet. The county ledge, I sat up there swinging my legs back and fourth enjoying my time alone. Before to long I realized I wasn't alone. "Whatre you doing up here? Shouldn't you be playing with barbies?" I heard a voice say. "Barbies are dumb."I stated boldly. "Still didn't answer my question." He laughed. "What's it to you? I don't even know you. Wait whatre you doing up here to?" I retorted. "It's peaceful." He states. "Kind of why I'm up here to." My face starts to burn. "Your not here with family?" He asks. "I don't wanna talk about it." I start to stand up and walk away but he grabs my hand.  "It's okay. You don't have to tell me. Just sit down and relax." He ushered me to sit back down with him. "You don't find it weird that I'm not down there?" I shot him a confused look. Normal little girls would want to be down there winning stuffed animals and a goldfish. "Well I'm up here, it's just who you are. It's what makes" he explained.
*end Flashback*

  That's the last I ever seen that boy. I always wondered what happened to him. "Alphy." I accidently blurted. "Boy I haven't heard that in years." Ralph said.  I gasped with my hand over my mouth. "'d you know that name." He concentrated on the road but wanted to look at me. "I...uh..  nothing....I didn't say anything." I shuffled embarrased in my seat. He stopped at a red light. "We both know you're lying." He looked at me. "We've met before...." I shrunk in my seat. "Where?" He looked suspicious. "The Wyann county fair ledge"  I couldn't tell if he was angry or not. He gripped the steering wheel "I haven't been to a fair since nanaw died in '85" he looked saddened. I sighed and crossed my hands in my lap. My stomach was starting to hurt again thinking about fair food. Ugh! I really need something in my stomach. I could've had a doughnut by now.... Mmm a chocolate doughnut with sprinkles.... And some milk! Oh man my mouth is watering. My stomach screamed for food. "Is that your stomach I hear?" Ralph asked. "Uh....nooo." I replied. He just laughed. It's not funny! I was sure my face was red. "You blush a lot. It's cute." Ralph glanced at me. I awkardly giggled and turned to face out the window. "I can still see you're face. Which is even more red now." He laughed a bit harder. "Its not cute or funny!" I said a bit to loud. He laughed even harder. I groaned and let my head bounce on the window. This sucks! I screamed in my head. Freaking Alphy. I shouldn't have bounced my head on the window now my head hurts.  Oh well if I ignore it it will go away. I rest my head on the car seat and tried to relax. "What's wrong?" He still has that bit of country accent in his tone. "Nothing." I stated. We arrived at a McDonald's and he ordered for both of us. "2 Mcgrittles 2 hash Brown's and 2 freppes" he tells the speaker. Me not paying attention at all starts to doze off from lack of sleep without Ralph noticing.


I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I looked out the window to see beautiful feilds and rolling hills and the sun which was setting behind a mountain way out in the distance. I got up and walked over to the vanity where my bag was sitting. I opened up to find my baggy full of prescription ibuprofen. A small picture frame caught my eye and I picked it up. 85' was written on the corner of the small wooden frame, I stared at it for a moment before the realization hit's me in this picture. I heard a slight knock on the door and I quickly set the frame down and jumped back on the bed and acted like I was sleeping. "Krai?" I heard Ralph whisper while opening to door quietly. I felt his presence grow closer and soon felt a weight push the bed down next to me. A few minutes later I felt his hand over mine. "Poor thing, I hope the darks rings go away soon." He whispered. I suddenly felt so relieved and relaxed after he put his hand over mine. When I first met him I thought he was really cute and had a bit of a crush on him.... I guess it was always there deep down. Something was meant for us to meet again and I am thankful for that. But he probably only feels pity for me. He feels bad he said it himself. I eventually dozed back off.

(Authors note: Like or comment! I'd like to know what you think :D even suggestions. How will this relationship ship go after Krai leaves? Or will she stay? Keep reading to find out!)

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