1st night in trip.

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The resort room look like-

The resort room look like-

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In jinsoo room-

They enter in the room and place the luggage in corner of room as jin say

Jin: jisoo...we have to freshen up then went to the food court for dinner everyone will go there.

Jisoo: ohh yeah...we have to freshen up you go first.

Jin(smile): no it's ok you go first I will go after you.

Jisoo(smile warmly): thanks a lot I will take just 15 minutes.

Say that jisoo walk into washroom as jin sit down on his bed looking around the room and patiently waiting for jisoo's return.

In taennie room-

They enter and place luggage in a corner of the room as taehyung jump on a bed.

Jennie: excuse me mr. Kim taehyung can you please freshen up first? Can't you see it's a clean room and you making it dirty.

Taehyung: come on miss. Jennie kim...don't be soo strict just relax a bit. (Lying on bed while smirking.)

Jennie (take a pillow and throw it to taehyung): I said go and freshen up we have to go to food court for dinner did you forgot?

Taehyung (got hit by the pillow): aishhh...ok fine I am going...(get up from bed and walk to washroom).

In lismin room-

Both enter and place luggage in a corner of room then jimin say

Jimin: we have to go to food court for dinner in time remember little one?(smirk).

Lisa: yeah I remember I am going for freshen up Mr.shorti...

Jimin (block lisa's way to washroom):no no...little one I will go first for freshen up.

Lisa(frown): why? I will go first... ladies first.

Jimin: no I am older than you so I will go first. (Walk to washroom as lisa do the same as jennie did and throw a pillow to jimin)

Lisa: I will go first.

Jimin(got hit by pillow): ouch...you are really a little kid fine go fist but hurty up we are late.

Lisa(smile proudly): of course...(walk to washroom for freshen up as jimin roll eyes and look around the room.)

In rosèkook room:

Both enter in room and place luggage in a corner of room as jungkook say

Jungkook: listen you disrespected me a lot so now it's time for show some respect I will go for freshen up first ok?

Rosè(nod and sit down on bed):ok go...

Jungkook (smirk): Finally showing some respect...btw I will take just 5 minutes and then you also have to freshen up quickly bcz we are late we have to go for dinner...hope you won't disobey me. (Say with attitude).

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