2nd day in trip 🏖 (Rosè's past)

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Next morning everyone wake up and come to lobby expect jungkook as jin and taehyung went jungkook's room saw he sleeping

Jin: jungkook wake up it's morning.

Taehyung: yeah jungkook sleepyhead you know suga hyung also woke up but you sleeping?

Jungkook (still in sleep say):mmm...rosè don't wake up me now just more 5 minutes....

Jin and taehyung's eyes widen in shock before both burst into laughter

Taehyung: is our voice sound like girl?

Jin: no maybe he was thinking about rosè that's why...heyy wake up kook

Jin and taehyung pull jungkook and make him sit as jungkook slowly open his eyes and say

Jungkook: huh you two? Where is rosè she promised me that she will wake up me...

Taehyung: did you forgot rosè didn't slept here last night with you....

As jungkook remember everything and without any other word he get up, freshen up and went to lobby with jin and taehyung. However all of them then head to the beach as jennie say

Jennie: rosè told me she will enjoy with other friends today and I think we should let her enjoy with other's now but she told she will join us in evening and we will play games and have soo many fun.

As everyone nod and went to water for enjoy when suddenly jisoo saw water bike

Jisoo: heyyy look water bike! I want to ride please....Lisa?

As lisa look at jisoo

Lisa: unni I am not good at swimming you should go with someone who is good at swimming.

Jennie(smirk and look at jin): hey unni why you not going with jin oppa? I heard jin oppa good at swimming and I hope he can ride water bike....

Jimin(smirk and look at jin): ohh yeah hyung...go and show everyone how talented you are....

everyone smirk as jin say

Jin(Look at jisoo): ok fine...I have no problem about it. (Offer jisoo his hand as jisoo chuckle and hold his hand and they walk to water bike while other's was looking them while smirking)

Jin and jisoo sit down on water bike and everyone smile and they also was enjoying. When jennie was busy playing with sand taehyung come from behind and whisper

Taehyung : soo miss jennie Kim where is your mark today?

Jennie(Turn to him with confusion): Mark? he is with his gf why?

Taehyung(smile brightly and jump): really? That's a very great news that mark have a gf. I wish their happy life.

Jennie(confused and hit taehyung's shoulder): lisa say jimin is crazy but I guess you are the crazy one Come on let's go to water...

As taehyung smile and follow jennie. While Lisa and jimin again got into an argument and the matter was both of them made sand castles but now lisa saying her sand castle is more beautiful then jimin and jimin saying his sand castle more beautiful than lisa and namjoon and j-hope trying to solve the matter while suga was drinking juice and enjoying the show. And jungkook on the other hand was sitting alone looking around that everyone enjoying and happy even his cold and rude hyungs also become light hearted and smiling as jungkook was really happy bcz he love his hyungs most. But jungkook was also looking around hoping to see rosè once but rosè was not there.

However after the whole day in afternoon they come back to hotel lobby and sit down relaxed.

Jisoo: today was soo enjoyable but...where is rosè? I didn't saw her in beach?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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