2nd night in trip🌃

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Everyone was looking at jungkook for an explanation as jungkook take a deep breath and say calmly

Jungkook (say coldly) : fine listen, I went to the quite side of beach for some freash air but....unfortunately those bustards kai and chanyeol get to know that er came here for trip and they were keeping eye on us and as they got me alone their men attacked that's it. But luckily I managed to come back alive after a fight.

Jungkook say as all BTS members expression darkness and jisoo, jennie, liss was a bit confused.

Jennie: kai and chanyeol? Who is these two and why they attacked on you?

Namjoon: actually....kai and chanyeol are two brothers and they are also from mafia family. But...we are worst enemy and they always target us.

((btw no hate to kai or chanyeol I love them soo much but for stories shake I have to make them villain but I really respect them.))

Taehyung (angry): what's their problem? Can't they give us some peace for 3 days? Disgusting.

Suga: relax...let me talk with security.

Suga contact with security and make the security more high and say

Suga: now everything is ok and calm down you all. For now they won't go anything again I guess so relax.

Jimin: hmm suga hyung is right. Now leave it Jungkook you are injured you need first aid.

Jimin say and immediately walk inside of resort and after sometime come back with first aid box start first aid jungkook's injury as jisoo say

Jisoo: well...look like that kai and chanyeol is very dangerous...

Taehyung: yes indeed. They are really dangerous. Even they do more crime than us.

Lisa: then why police don't arresting them? And you all also have power but why you don't doing something?

Jin: actually they are also powerful enough and police just can't easily arrest them.

Jungkook (Look away at the pool and say): but surely one at I will kill those two...

J-hope (sit down next to jungkook and say): ok fine now leave it. But...say me one thing did you again misbehaved with rosè?

Everyone become shock and realise that rosè wasn't there as jennie say

Jennie: yeah where is rosè? She is not here but she was here in poolside right?

J-hope: yes rosè was here and she gave us the news that jungkook came back injured. But did jungkook misbehaved with her?

Jungkook (Look at j-hope): hyung seriously? Now you are talking about that annoying girl?

J-hope: jungkook she is not annoying. She is just a bit quite but that doesn't mean she is annoying or something. Remember she is the one who gave us the news that you came back and she was really concerned.

Jungkook (Look away in anger say): so what? Now are you expecting me to feel guilty that I misbehaved with her and feel greatful that she informed you? Did I told her to inform you? She is just so boring and annoying.

Suga: jungkook I am also quite and introvert like her so you are saying I am also boring?

Jungkook: stop talk by her side hyung you are not boring. Maybe you are also quite but with us you are cheerful enough but that girl...look at jisoo jennie and lisa they are also talk with me properly but taht girl....

Jisoo: ok ok fine...jungkook you are injured don't get angry relax hmm? (Say softly and pat jungkook's shoulder gently)

Jungkook (nod): hmm thanks...but I want to say something that...I am really tired of her.

Everyone remind silent. And after jimin finish tend jungkook's injury all of them went to inside of resort and sit down on lobby sofa as lisa say

Lisa: we will have dinner right?

Jennie: yeah let's go to the food court.

Taehyung: but...what about rosè? Won't she eat?

Lisa: wait let me call her.

Lisa call rosè and put the phone on speaker as everyone can hear and lisa say

Lisa(to rosè in call): hello rosèèèè....where are you baby? Won't you have dinner? We are going to food court where are you?

Rosè(say in call as she don't know the phone is in speaker everyone hearing): ohh lisa....I am with sobin in a nearby cafè but...how is jungkook oppa is he OK? Is the injury is OK now?

Concern was in rosè's voice as everyone just look at jungkook who look away without any expression.

Lisa(to rosè in call): yeah jungkook oppa is fit now it's nothing serious but you are with sobin? Won't you come with us for dinner?

Rosè (in call): actually jungkook oppa really become angry if he see me so I won't join you on dinner. You all go have fun.

Lisa(to rosè): so now you avoiding it. Ok fine but you have to share a room with him then what will happen?

Rosè(say in call): no he don't have to share a room with me. I talked with teacher I will stay in a extra room with sobin or any other friends bcz there some extra room plus some extra student so...you know lisa he is really annoyed by me and it's normal. I don't want to bother him.

Everyone look down as lisa say to rosè in call

Lisa: ohhh ok fine take care. See you tomorrow morning then.

Rosè: hmm good night take care.

Lisa hang up the call as everyone was silent and jungkook growl in anger

Jungkook: you all see...how attitude she have! What she think that I care about she share a room with me or not? I don't care and now even I can sleep more peacefully stay more peacefully without her.

Jin(Look at jungkook say): it's not attitude jungkook she feeling guilty that you being upset for her but she have no fault here. You should understand.

Jungkook: understand? You know communication is important for understanding but from the first day did she talked with me properly for once. Now I don't care if she share a room with me or not. Come on let's get our dinner and then I need some rest.

Say that jungkook walk away to food court as jimin look at all blackpink member say

Jimin: please don't mind him. You know he really get amgry easily and can't control his anger. But deep down he is really a soft and kind person just....

Jennie: it's ok we understand. I hope everything will be fine. Let's go now.

They all went to food court and finish their dinner then everyone went to their own own room. As jungkook enter in room and throw himself on the bed then look at the empty bed next to him.

Jungkook pov-

I really feeling lonly here. Yesterday night that girl was here with me. And why I am being soo angry I should control my anger but...she is also very quite. But...why I am feeling like this. What's happening with me? Why I can't tolerate she is not here with me and with someone else. I....I don't know anything.

Jungkook pov end.

Jungkook was really confused and while thinking these all he fall asleep.

(Is there any mistake I am sorry😊)

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