1st day in trip🏖 (part-1)

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Next morning in everyone's room-

Jinsoo room-

Jisoo wake up and sit down still sleepy as she saw jin already wake up and walk to her with a cup of coffee.

Jin(say in a cool tone but warmth in his eyes): good morning ...here your morning coffee.

Jisoo(smile warmly): ohh thank you soo much. I didn't expect it... did you made it?

Jin: Hmm...I made it and it's ok now go and get ready we have go to the beach.

As jisoo nod and walk to washroom for freshen up.

In taennie room-

Taehyung and jennie were sleeping peacefully when the alarm start rang loudly and jennie wake up but he shout.


Taehyung shout as jennie roll eyes and say playfully

Jennie: Mr.kim taehyung please wake up it's morning...you told me last night you also want to enjoy at beach so...wake up.

Taehyung(he was sleepy but nod and sit up while pouting and rubbing his eye): I don't like wake up early but yeah I have to today.

Jennie(chuckle): hmm you have to now go and freshen up we need to go.

As taehyung went to washroom for freshen up.

In lismin room-

Lisa were sleeping peacefully while pouting like a little baby. when jimin wake up and saw her sleeping.

Jimin(in mind): she is too much cute. In her sleep she looks more cute like a little baby.....what happening with me? Why i am like that?(Smile softly to himself and slowlyget up from his bed and went to lisa's bedside)

Jimin: heyy little one wake up. It's morning we are late we have to get ready for beach.

Lisa(sleepily): mmm...shup up I want to sleep. More 10 minutes.

Jimin(smirk): you want to sleep? Ok fine....I will go to beach with others and will enjoy while you sleep here alone no problem. We will swim we will make sand castles and enjoy a lot without you...

Jimin say as lisa immediately sit up and get up from bed.

Lisa(pout):noo...why will you all have fun without me. I will also go wait here I will freshen up.(immediately walk to washroom)

Jimin(chuckle to himself): such a cute baby...

In rosèkook room-

Rosè wake up and then slowly approach to jungkook bedside.

Rosè(softly):Ahmm...Mr.jeon jungkook wake up. It's already morning.

But jungkook was deeply in sleep.

Rosè(a bit loudly): Mr.jeon jungkook wake up! It's morning we have to go.

But still jungkook didn't wake up as rosè take a glass of water and then splash a bit water on jungkook's face as he jump from bed.

Jungkook(shook and confused): what the hell...what is this?

Rosè(laugh): wake up...it's morning but you was still sleeping soo I just woke up you.

Jungkook take a deep breath and take a step closer to rosè say

Jungkook (Look into rosè's eyes): do you have any idea what you did? No one dare to do this with me but you did. What if there will be consequences?

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