First Reincarnation

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The next time the heavens gazed down upon the mother from the sky, she had entered her early teens, her past life a distant memory in the depths of her consciousness.

It was the early 18th century, this time she was reborn on an ordinary Earth, this time as the daughter of a powerful duke from England, worlds and centuries apart from her former life. Meanwhile, her firstborn came into the world on the distant shores of Spain a few years after her own birth. Fate would not reunite them until a while before their thirties, in the turmoil of a battle fought for their own lands. However, such concerns are far from the present, At this moment the mother is happily living her life, yet an inexplicable sense of emptiness lingered within her.

"Astra! Come back! You know your training isn't done yet!" A weary woman's voice echoed through the corridors of an enormous castle, chasing after a young girl dashing away.

"You can't catch me!" the girl retorted, her laughter echoing as she fled. "I don't want to train any—" Her words halted abruptly as she collided with an obstacle in her path. "Ouch, ouch, ouch," she muttered, rubbing her head. 

"Watch where you're going, my dear," her father's voice chided gently. Astra looked up, rubbing her head as she met his gaze. With a sheepish grin, she took his outstretched hand, as they made their way through the halls of the castle.


"Mother!" A voice called out, breaking the tranquility of the afternoon as the door swung open, revealing a young child clutching a letter. "We've received mail from the king!" the daughter exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement.

The mother turned her gaze towards her child. "Bring it here, my dear," she replied, her voice gentle as she extended her hand. With a mixture of eagerness and innocence, the child approached, envelope in hand, a radiant smile gracing her face. 
Despite the dirt smudging her shoes and the marmalade smearing her face, anyone could have mistaken this child for an angel. Even if born into more than humble circumstances, her heart overflowed with purity, joy, and a genuine desire to aid others. As the mother began to read the contents of the letter, her demeanor shifted. The cup slipped from her grasp, clattering to the floor as her eyes scanned the lines before her.

"Mom?" the child's voice trembled, her smile fading as concern creased her brow. "My darling..." the mother's voice quivered, a chill settling in the air, her child sensing the fear that permeated her words. "You are to depart. The king has summoned every child to the capital, to be trained as knights for our realm," she explained, struggling to maintain her composure.

"I thought our kingdom was peaceful, mother?" the child asked, her voice tinged with confusion, her eyes fixed on her mother, awaiting an explanation.

"I cannot fathom the king's intentions, my dear," the mother replied, her voice heavy with uncertainty. "But for now, let us rest. Your father will return tonight... We must prepare for his arrival and ensure everything is in order. Will you assist me, my darling Lua?"

"Of course, I'll help you!" exclaimed the young child, as she sprinted off to set the table for her father's imminent return home.

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