The calm after the storm - Chapter four

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opening my eyes slowing, the closed them again and the lights were a little bright shifting my head to the left i opened my eyes again and looked around the room. i was in the infermary

I feel like ive been hit by a bus resereced and then hit again. Sitting up i groaned in pain, the pain was strong but bareable. taking a breathe i looked around and saw Eli sleeping in a chair at the foot of my bed. letting my eyes adjust a little more i looked down and saw my left leg was in a brace... love that for me

twitching my foot to try wake Elijah. he moved a little and got up. stretching he looked ovver at me and a smile landed on his face

"hey munch" he said walking over to my bed side and sitting on the edge

"heyy uncle Eli" i grogged out 

"ooh im back to uncle, does this means im in your good books" he asked 

"youve always been in my good books and im sorry" i said and my heart broke a little think about what happened 

"what the number one rule on the field kiddo?" he asked me taking my hand in his 

"think and make decision with you head and then act. when code red is activated i need to get out, head to the safe house with you and the men and wait on word when it is safe" i said repeating what has been drilled into me since i could remember anything 

"so what happened out there" he asked me looking concerned 

"you know its really different when the attack it on an ali who went rogue or an enemy but when its your own it like all your senses fly out the window and all i could do was want to save them or at least help and all i did was sit around and hide. I basically killed my family, i let whoever did this kill my family Eli" i said 

"I know but that can never happen again Mara, we have these protacals for a reason Xiomara. When you act the way you do people and youself will get killed, I know its hard but we will make our make with the salvics when the time is right Xiomara" he said firmly 

"the salvics did this?" i said feeling my heart drop

"yes my men confirmed with me this morning" he said standing 

"why?" i asked a little angered 

"we dont know we are trying to get intell from our inside man" he said pacing the room, by the look on his face he regrets letting that slip 

"Yeah well they will regret crossing that line with us after everything we have done for them" i said getting up the pain had subsided 

"i know, we were meant to move next week but we've made arrangements and we have wheels up tonight to forks" he let me know walking towards the door 

"aaaah uncle eli" i said calling for him 

"WHAT?!" he yelled back

"ccaan you help me here" i asked pointing at my leg

"oh yeah shit sorry" he said smiling and walking over to me 

throwing the blankets off. i carefully moved my leg over to the edge of the bed and took in the pain

"ready?" he asked

Eli whistled and the doors flew open with Carew and Ryker coming through the door with a wheel chair 

"really?" i sad looking at the wheel chair 

"could be worse he wanted to handcuff you to the bed" Carew said placing his hands on the his hip making me gasp at Ryker 

"looookkk in my defense you jumped out the fucking car, youre a loose cannon in my books" he said pushing his sleeves up

"fair can you just help me" i asked holding my leg and holding it over the edge 

ryker walked up to me and snaked his hand around my waist drapping my arm around his shouldners he lifted me and placed in the wheel chair. the pain was getting worse. 

"okay princess, lets get you to your room so we can get this show on the road" ryker said walking me out the infermary

"so whats the update, where are we with this?" i asked placing my my elbow on the rest 

"according to our inteel the salvics own 50% of the land and your uncle billy owns the other 50 , they have a drawn up trity between them, they arent allowed to cross over to billies land and billy and the boys cant cross over to their side, but they do share the ports because they are on your uncles side of the land. if you didnt know any better you would think that KING and his brothers as well as their sisters run the show" Eli said 

"very smart he runs his ship just like yours, your system is just smoother" Carew chimmed in 

"okaay so who is the big man, who calls the shots really" i asked 

Ryker leaned over and dropped a file in my lap. Opening it there was a small photo attached to each documents 

"meet the De Santos, that is Storm he is the leader and soon to be new Lucien, he has three adopted siblings, Blaze, Saint and sisters Azayliah and Leilani, together they are the De Santos" Ryker explained 

He was a fine ass guy i wont lie, like really good looking too bad he is my enemy right now. Ewww focus Mara, focus. smiling as an idea struck me 

"chnage of plans take me to the cyber unit" i asked closing the files 

If you wanna mess with my family Mr De Santos you have no idea what is coming your way sir 

"do we even wanna know?" Eli asked 

"I am simply returning the favor" i said smiling as we approached the cyber security door 

They wheeled me in and left. rolling myself over to Jimmy the head of our cyber secuirty unit he turned in his seat 

"Miss Mara what do i owe the pleasure" he asked leaning back in his seat 

smiling i wheeled myself over next to him. 

"Eli, you can stay for this" i said smiling 

If this was going to work we needed this to be calculated and perfect. When we land in forks the DeSantos need to be scrabbling 



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Love ya 


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