Chapter 62

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~third person pov~

Xiomara laid flat on the hospital bed, her cheeks streaked with black tears as she refelted on the event of the previous few hours. She had woken in a hospital bed after passing out, absoluelty confused until it all came back to her. Shes gotten out of bed, desperately looking for storm.

Her brothers and parents were there to help her calm down when she was practically screaming at the doctors to le her see him. Back to the present time, its been five anxiety of finding out if he was okay was her alive. At one point, she even believed she was going to throw up.

Storms mother, rosily, sat in the waiting room along with her husband Giovanni. Rosily was devastated that her baby, was dying, and no one knew whether he would survive. Her mind flashed back to all of his childhood memories. As she recalled every moment with him, his bright smile and laughter filled her head. He used to prepare her special choclate chip cookies when he got home from school.

His once bright eyes, which were filled with nothing but happiness, joy and innocence were now empty like his fathers. Although she hoped those eyes would lighten again, she knew as his mother that the girl he was currently with was regaining the happiness and light he had all those years ago. More tears streamed down her flawless brone cheeks, revealing the normally composed women to be as vulnaerable as she had ever been

Giovanni comforted his wide, despite the fact that hi heart was cold as ice and he had never expressed any afeection towards his son, deep down he held concern. Rosilys thought were all over the place as she considered how foolish she could have been.she knew what she was getting herself into when she married Giovanni, and yet she still loved him.

But the one thing she regretted was allowing him to bring storm into the mafia world, despite the fact that she knew she had no say in the matter. She thought to herself that if she ran away from him all those years ago, she might have been able to save her son. She dismissed her own thoughts, thinking how absurd it would be. Even if she despised his lifestyle, there was o going back, and her love for her family was limitless

Taimaan took a seat across from were xiomara was lying. He despised seeing his twin in this state, and it pained him to the core. All her siblings in fact, they watch over her and made sure to check in on her but she said nothing just layed there. They all realised how broken she was without him, and how this boy could make her eyes light up just by the mere sound of his voice.

Everytime she spoke to her siblings about storm during dinner or when they cleaned the house together, he could see how happy she was with him, even though his biggest fear was her falling for a man in this world but they genuinely care for one anonther. Xiomaras usual beautiful smile had fanished competly as her heart had broken into a million pieces. Xiomara had hope, though, he promised not to leave her, so she held tight onto that promise. She clutched it as if it were the only thing that kept her head above water, the only thing that assured her that he would be okay.

The saddened girl carefully rose from the bed, sat on the beds edgie, and all her siblings jumped to her side. she raised her hand at them brad tried helping her up and she simply pushed him off

"I'm just going to the bathroom, okay?" she announced, her voice was raspy and quoite

Taimaan snapped his head towards her and went to her side

"ill come with you"

She stood from her bed with a shake of her head

"ill be fine, Tai" she says flatly leaving no space for debate

They all didn't want to leave her since they did know what shes do or where shed go if they didn't go with her. Xiomara had a habit of making quick decisions without considering them through and they all didn't want too up set her any further, so they let her leave. The heartbroken girl walked out of the room, her head down, on her way to the restroom

"xiomara?" from behind her, a gentle voice whispered

Se mentally sighed and turned around, only to be grreted by the mother of her boyfriend. Rosily embraced her with open arms and Xiomara instantly wrapped her arms around the beautiful women

"I'm so sorry" she cried out

"he'll be okay, mio amore" she whispered as she brushed her palm over the sobbing hirls head

Xiomara who had thought she couldn't cry anymore, turned out to be able to

"I'm so sorry all I wanted to do was protect him and I couldn't, I'm sooo s-orry" she broke down even more

"oh no sweetie this is not your fault, you have don't more for my son than you can think of this is not on you okay? He will be fine" she reassured her

Rosily soothed her with her arms until Xiomara broke away, giving the sweet women a fake smile

"thank you, rosily" she whispered

Rosily kissed her forehead and smiled at her with blury eyes. Xiomara took a step back and turned around, headed for the bathroom where she was previously going. She opned the creay door and flinched as it slamed closed behind her. The girl moved up to the mirro, her trembling hands clutching the bathroom sink for support as her body slumped. Her head slowly rose, and her gaze swept across her features

Her eyes were red and puffy, with dark circles under them. Her pale complexion appeared to be even whiter as if she hadn't seen the sun in days. Her lips were swollen and red from the tense biting, and her gaze was drwn to her brown eyes, which were empty. Xiomara hadn't recognised herself staring back into her eyes. She didn't look or act like herself, and she certainly didn't feel like herself.

This was a feeling she depised. She had never felt like this before but she knew she didn't like it. her phone buzzed in her pocket, jolting her from her trance and prompting her to reach for it. she pulled the phone out of her pocket and blindly igorned a message from an unknown number, just as she had ignore all the previous text her friend had sent her. Instead, her gaze was drawn to the background of her phone, her broken heart cracking impossibly further.

It was a picture she had snapped of storm the morning after their night together. Silent tears streamed down her swollen cheeks as her aching body slid down the wall. as he slept,his anglic feature were serne, his eyes closed as long dark eyeslashes brushed against his high cheekbones, brown locks of hair falling down hos forehead and his full lips upturned into a little pout.

As she sobbed uncontrollably, memeories of everything they had done together rushed through her mind, every kiss, touch, every single word he had ever given her flashed like lightening shocks. She clutched the phone to her chest as if it were him, promising her htat everything would be fine.

"please be okay Santiago, ple-ase" she whispered as her eyes were screwed shut

She got up from the restroom floor and walked back to the waiting rooms after wallowing in her pit of despair. As she entered the room, she noticed drago, ace, king, anna and gabs all have frowns on their faces, worried about their leader, friend and brother. Xiomara sat down in between dean and ace, ace had only just realised her presence as he turned his direction towards her.

He felt pity for the girl, it was evidence te his closest frind was in love with her and would possibly kill anyone for this small girl. He hadn't had many interactions with her but when he did, she was possibly the brightest person hes ever met. Focusing on the girl next to him. He smiled sympathetically at her and placed his hand ontop of xiomara shaking one

"its going to be okay mara" he assures her

Xiomara grew tired of hearing those words, and the more she heard them the less thye meant anyting to her. She sihed and put her head against his shoulder, her eyelids drooping as they felt heavy, not from sleep but from mental exhaustion. The emergency room doors slammed opne, causing eceryone in the room to stiffen and xiomara jolte upright.

A doctor emerged with a folder in his hands and s symphathec expression on his face as he turned to face everyone. Xiomara, like everyone else in the room waiting impatiently fort he good or bad news 


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