2 | Break Up

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"At least I held back."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for not knocking my teeth out. Let's throw a party for you. Why not?"

"Hey, I told you to stop. You were going to- you were going to tell everyone."

"2 girls is everyone?"

"You know what I mean. They would've told. Can you please let me in, so we can talk properly?"

I was in my house now. Lou was outside on the front porch. I had the kitchen window half open so we could talk.

"I would but I'm too busy icing my face. My face that you punched... W-why would you hit me?"
My voice was breaking. I still couldn't believe he would hurt me like that.

"I panicked! I won't do it again.. Just please let me in so I can take care of you."

I took the ice pack away from my face and unlocked the door.
He heard it and opened the door. He looked around for any witnesses before closing it behind him. He looked at my face and flinched as if there was a jump scare.

I just glared at him.

"I'm.. sorry."
He grabbed the ice pack from my hand and put it on my face.
The right side of my face was red with a tiny bit of bruising.
He examined it with his eyes and kept holding the pack to my cheek every few seconds. It felt a lot better when he did it.

"I don't think this is working out. It worked for a while, but it's not working anymore."

"Don't talk like that..."
He said softly.

"Then just come out. Tell everyone we're together."

"I can't do that... It's too dangerous. And I've worked too hard to get where I am. Do you know what would happen if everyone found out I was gay? I'd be nothing."

"I guess we're not together anymore then..."

His hands fell to his sides. I think he was trying to figure out if I was joking or not.

"I'm sorry." I said.
The throbbing of my face reminded me why this had to be done.

He shook his head.
"I can't do it. I'm- I'm too scared. People like us get killed just for existing. I can't.."

I held his hand.
"Then don't. I don't want you to be scared. That's the point. I love you so much, I don't care what anyone else does or says about me. But if you don't feel the same.. well, I don't see how we can keep doing this."

He held my hand back.
"I'll get there eventually. I promise... Don't leave me."

We talked for hours.

Reluctantly, he eventually agreed that we should go our seperate ways.
At least for now.

I had to wait a few days to go out again until the bruising had gone.

I was at a store when I ran into someone familiar.

"Nolan, hey."
He jogged next to me holding a grocery basket with vegetables and some other boxes.

"Hi, Michael."

"I haven't see you in a while.
You alright?"

I nodded and picked a box off the shelves.

I was fine, physically. But mentally, I didn't feel like socializing. I hoped maybe he'd go away.

I moved on to the next aisle and amazingly, he just followed me silently like always. It reminded me of how a puppy would act following its owner around.

"Um, I'm gonna go pay for this, now..."

"I'll go with. I was finished a while ago."
He claimed and followed me to the checkout.

In The Closet - Uglydolls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now