6 | Coming Out

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It was like my breath had been stolen. Surely my ears were hallucinating.

"I like men. Actually, there's a man in my life right now that means the world to me.  I love him."

"He's joking, right?"
"Has to be."
"There's no way."

The whispers of the people around me were overwhelming. Suddenly, Lou came and stood by my table. He reached his hand out to me.
"What are you doing?"
I whispered. I thought my stomach would have a panic attack and die.

He glanced at his hand, telling me to take it. So slowly, I reached my hand out and stood up.

"We kept us a secret for too long. I've been scared and you've been nothing but patient. I could've lost you yesterday. And that thought scared me more than any mob or slur ever could. I love you. And maybe I don't mind if the world knows."

"That's so weird."
"Didn't he hit that guy the other day?"
"Nolan must have infected him!"
"I told you it was contagious."

Lou and I heard the whispers. This is what I wanted, but now that it was happening, it made me want to become deaf and maybe invisible too.

"Nolan..? Do you still love me? Will you give us another chance?"

He held both my hands and held them in front of our chests.
He just outed himself in front of everyone. For me. How could I not?

"Yeah.. I do still love you, Lou."

Someone laughed in the crowd and someone else cursed the "f" word at us.
I was so distracted by everything, I didn't even notice Michael getting up to leave.

"Change in plans! There is no class today. Because I'm taking my boyfriend on a date."
Lou declared that proudly to everyone.
He kissed my hands and then began to lead me away.
I couldn't help but hear the laughter from the men and the disappointed groan from the girls.
I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

He led me somewhere quieter near a park.
He asked me to sit on a bench with him for a minute. We sat and he hid his head down into his hands.

"A-are you okay, Lou?"

He began to laugh.
"That was so fucking scary."
He laughed some more. It must have been from nerves.
I smiled and hugged him closely.

"You really did that for me."

"Yes, my love. I've been thinking about all those points you made.. Not going out on dates like normal couples or even holding hands in public is ruining our relationship. I still think it's a bit dangerous. But... I think you're worth the risk. Your worth risking my head."
He smiled.

I held his hand and kissed his forehead. He blushed a little bit and kissed me on the lips.

I smiled at him happily.
"If I remember right, you said you would take me on a date today. So.. where are we going?"
I swayed side to side in excitement.

"I didn't think that far ahead. I just wanted to come out and get it over with."
He laughed nervously again.
"What do you want to do first?
You choose."

Our hands couldn't let go of each other. Being with him again felt so right. It felt like home.

"Um.. movie?"

He smiled.
"Perfect. Let's go, then."

We did everything that day. We saw a movie, got lunch together and even went to an arcade place.
Everything that normal couples did. Of course, we got confused and hateful looks once in a while, but thankfully noone did anything to hurt us.

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