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I ran back over to where Dylan, Holland, and Tyler were. I must've had a worried look on my face because Dylan kept asking me what's wrong.

"I have to go, I'll call you later once I find out exactly what's going on." They all said their goodbyes and I got in my car, speeding off towards the hotel my dad was staying at. When I got up to the room, my heart started racing. Midway through my thoughts, my dad opened the door.

"Dad, what's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Come in, then we can talk." I walked into the room and I saw my mother sitting on the bed.

"What is she doing here?" I turned to my dad and he walked past me and sat next to my mother.

"Alexandra. Your mother and I have talked things through and we've decided to start dating again." Is he serious?

"Are you kidding me? You're dating again? After she went and cheated on you countless times! After she made us move across the world! After she made me grow up without a mother! I'd rather have you date some fake ass bitch, instead of a slut that I'm supposed to call my mom." I may be being a little harsh, but can you blame me.

"Alexandra! Don't say that stuff about your mother when she is sitting right here!" My dad yelled at me.

"Sweetie I'm sorry about everything." My mother said standing up and walking towards me, but I backed up to be further away. "I only did it to get money to help your father out."

"So my mother actually is a fucking prostitute!"

"Alex, you don't understand." She tried to grab my arm, but I pulled back.

"Don't touch me! Why are you coming back now huh? Run out of guys to fuck? You missed everything in my life. My eighth grade graduation, my homecoming, the breakups I've had, my sport events, celebrating posting the first Janoskians video, celebrating how many subscribers we've gotten, and so many other things. If I never met the boys, I would never have a mother figure in my life, but I do now. Gina was and will always be more of a mother to me than you ever will be." Tears were flowing out like a river by now.

"Alex honey." My mother reached out again, but I slapped her hand away.

"Don't 'Alex honey' me. I'm done with all of this bullshit, I'm leaving. And don't try to contact or come find me."

I quickly ran out of the hotel room and back to my car. I was driving more than the speed limit was, but I don't fucking care right now. Driving with tears in your eyes is hard enough, but when you're pissed off and speeding, it's a lot harder. After a few minutes of trying to drive and get back home fast, I pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway. How can this all be happening? I started to cry harder and faster with each growing second. I was interrupted by my phone ringing. Grabbing it out of my pocket, I saw it was Beau trying to call me. I ignored it and let it go to voicemail. After calming down a little, I pulled back onto the highway and started driving to a place that I knew I could be alone and calm. I know that before I said that I wanted to go home, but now I realized that I just want to be alone.

The drive was only ten minutes away from where I was. When I pulled up, I realized why I could be alone. No one, and I mean no one, ever comes here. The place where I'm at, is this small area that the boys and I found while filming one time. It's an area that has flat ground, except a hill. When you climb up to the top of the hill, you can overlook L.A and see the Hollywood sign from here. It's not all grassy, but it's not all just dirt, it's a mix I guess. When I climbed to the top of the hill, I sat down and pulled my knees close to my chest. Why can't life be easy? I started crying again, but a few minutes later, which felt like hours, I felt someone sit down next to me. More like a few someones.

"We knew you'd be here." Daniel said, putting an arm around my shoulders giving me a side hug.

"How'd you know that I would be here?"

"Dylan came by and told us that you ran off after getting a phone call. So we called Calum, thinking you would tell him, but he didn't know. Then we called your dad and he told us what happened. Knowing that you were upset, we figured you come here to be alone. But guess what Alex, you aren't going to go through this alone because we are here with you." James spoke. He rubbed my back and I started crying again.

"Thanks guys. I don't know what I would do without you."

"We know you need to get this off your chest, so go ahead and rant to us." Luke said.

"Scream if you have to." Jai put his input in, making me laugh a little.

"I just don't understand how he can go back to her after what she did. It makes no sense. If someone cheated on you, just to supposedly get money to help out, then come back fifteen years later, would you start dating that person again? God, I fucking hate her so much. All she ever did was cause my dad and I trouble." I wasn't crying anymore because I was getting pissed off.

"Think about it though, if your mother didn't cause you all that trouble, you wouldn't have met us or moved to Australia. You wouldn't have met all the amazing people you have in your life now. You would be stuck in boring Indiana. Janoskians probably wouldn't be a thing and if it was, it wouldn't be the same." Beau said.

"You're right," I sighed. "Let's just get home before anything else happens." The six of us stood up at the same time and walked back to our cars. The twins got in with me and Beau, James, and Skip got into the van. I drive off first, Beau following behind.

Thank god for best friends.

Sad chapter. Fun fact: I cried while writing this... By the way, I already have the next three chapters ready. I'm proud of myself.
What do you think of Alex's dad and mom?
Word count: 1136
Please remember to:

Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

QOTD: Favorite Janoskians song?

My answer: Friend Zone.

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