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"Calum honey, I've missed you." Calum's mom said as she wrapped Cal in a hug after opening up the door.

"I've missed you too mum." They pulled away from the hug and his mother looked at me. Immediately, she grabbed me into a hug.

"And you must be Alex. Calum never stops talking about you. You are so much more beautiful in person." Her comment made me blush and I looked down, but then right back up.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Hood." I finally said.

"Call me Joy honey. Come on you two, everyone is waiting." We walked inside and set our suitcases by the door,then a bunch of Calum's family ran up to him and gave him hugs and said their hello's. A girl came up to me, who I recognized as Mali.

"I'm Cal's sister, Mali, you're Alexandra right?" She asked.

"Yes that's me, but please call Alex."

Mali and I started getting into a small conversation, before Calum came up and grabbed me from her to introduce me to the rest of his family. Everyone was super sweet and accepting. Within a few minutes after I met everyone, Joy said that dinner was ready. It was only around 3:30 so it was a late lunch - early dinner type thing. During dinner, everybody made small talk and a few jokes were said here and there. Also some embarrassing stories about Calum, which made me laugh. When we were cleaning up, somebody knocked on the door. Mali went to go get it and then a few seconds later appeared with a girl around my age, with bleach blond hair, and a slightly slutty outfit. The girl looked slightly familiar, but I couldn't put a finger on it. As soon as she walked in, she made eye contact with me for a second, then winked at me. What the hell? She ran up to Calum and hugged him, making me a bit jealous. What made me more mad, was that he hugged her back just as tight.

"I've missed you like crazy CalPal." She said, with an American accent, might I add,  looking up at him.

"I've missed you too, Maddie." As soon as he finished speaking, she smashed her lips onto his. I could've sworn I saw him kiss back just a little.

"Excuse me," I whispered to Joy while getting up, trying to hold in the tears, and heading towards the front door.

Before I left, I grabbed my suitcase then walked out the door. Halfway, out of the driveway, someone grabbed my arm, pulling me back. I turned around and saw Calum standing there. By now tears were already running down my face.

"What do you want Calum? Or should I say CalPal?"

"Look Alex, I'm sorry. I don't know why Maddie showed up."

"I don't know why you kissed her back."

"Al-" Calum started, but I cut him off.

"Calum you might not know this, but I have a thing about cheating or someone kissing someone else while they're dating someone. You want to know why? Because my fucking mother did that to my dad and I. She went and started cheating on him, when I was little. She thought she had everything all covered up, until one day my dad and I saw her with a guy in our own house. They weren't just talking, they were fucking in my mother and father's bed. That's the reason I moved to Australia because we couldn't be in America anymore because of that fucking slut. Want to know something else? The reason why the boys called you to find me the other day, was because I ran off after going to see my dad at his hotel. And guess what, he's dating my mother again. I'm done with liars, cheaters, and sluts. So just leave me the fuck alone. Tell everyone I'm sorry I left and didn't say a proper goodbye. Have fun with your fucking girlfriend."

Then I ran. Well, ran as fast as I could in heels and rolling a suitcase. Getting into the busy street by Calum's house, I hailed down a taxi and got in. I told the driver to go to the nearest train station. Once we arrived, I bought a ticket to the next train to Melbourne. The train left in ten minutes and it would take 11 and a half hours to get there. I would just grab a flight home, but I need to sleep in an actual house and talk to someone who I haven't seen in a while.

There weren't that many people on the train which was a good thing. I checked my time on my phone and it was almost five. I would get to Melbourne around 4 a.m. Opening up my suitcase, I grabbed another pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and went to the bathroom to change. I also took out my contacts and took off my makeup. Sitting back down, I grabbed my phone back out and started texting the boys.

On a train on the way to Melbourne...

Why are you going to Melbourne? Is everything alright ~ Skip

No everything isn't alright.  Calum's a complete dick and I wish I never came.

What happened Alex? ~ Beau

Why do we need to kick his ass? ~ Jai

It was all going good until some slut named Maddie shows up and her and Calum kiss. It wasn't just a peck, it was a full on kiss with tongue. Sad part is, I saw Calum kiss back. She always knew I was right there. When she walked in, her and I made full on eye contact. Then she winked at me, fucking winked at me, like she was planning this. Also she looked slightly familiar, but I can't think from where.

Fucking dick. Why the fuck would he do that? ~ Luke

Why are you going to Melbourne though. Why not just fly back here? ~ James

Because I need to talk to someone and I want to get some sleep in an actual bed before another 14 hour plane ride. I'm going to take a nap now, I'll text you when I'm in Melbourne. Love you

Love you too ~ Jai

Be careful ~ Skip

Don't do something I wouldn't do ~ Luke

Let us know when you're at wherever you're going too ~ James

Get some rest ~ Beau

It would probably be the best idea to text the person I was going to go see, but I want to surprise her. Melbourne here I come.

How do you think Alex knows/ recognizes Maddie?
Don't really have anything else to say...so yeah. That's it for this chapter

Word count: 1149
Please remember to:

Love you guys 😘 ~ Ry 😜

QOTD: Favorite sport?

My answer: Either hockey or lacrosse. But sadly I can't play hockey because I can't ice skate for anything.

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