𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆; 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔

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𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆; 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏.


003 was scared. Scared out of her mind. She didn't like killing the demogorgons, it was terrifying. They hurt her, but Papa made her do it whether or not it did. Papa made 003 think it was her purpose in the lab to keep everyone safe, and she believed it.

003 had her knees pulled to her chest, her arms around them encasing herself in a hug. Sobs shook through her body. She didn't want to go. She wanted to leave. but she couldn't.

She couldn't go back to Mama, Mama was dead. 003 didn't have anyone anymore. Not now that 011 has been taken to another part of the lab. 011 was the only one left. She's gone now, too.

The door that was heavy due to the detonation-wave resistant metal swung open and two men walked in wearing lab coats. They grabbed 003 by the arms and pulled her out of her crying state.

The two just drag her down the hall, although she continues screaming and crying for them to let her go as they bust through the doors of the testing room.

She was thrown into the room, and they shut the door in her face. 003 smacks her hands on the door in anger.

Her eyes glow purple, and her hands start to create a purple shining mist against the glass. Psionic energy. A little gift the experiments on her mother gave her. It gives her the ability to control the mind, its functions, and lift things with brain. Light chittering comes from the wall, which causes her to step back and turn around slowly, noticing the creatures that look like humans without faces climbing out.

In a fit of rage, 003 lifts her hands up and lets out the loudest scream yet, and the slimy creatures start screeching in pain. Their skin starts tearing apart, strange other-wordly blood pours out of their skin. They begin to disintegrate into puddles of rotten, torn flesh and disgusting looking blood.

The wall screeches while red mist, steam and light leaks from it. It begins to close up as 003 tilts her head towards it, forcing herself into the mind of the evil that lies within. The lights flicker hard. All the dust from the crumbling wall returns. And finally, the room looks normal again.

Her hands fall to her side slowly as she turns around, her E/C eyes still flared in the violent colour of dark amethyst. The energy surrounding her hands disappears for the time being. The only thing abnormal from using her powers is the tears of blood that seep from her eyes. One hand flies up, the control panel outside sparks and the door to the room opens again.

She walks out of the room and sees the men who were working in the controls to stabilize the patients when they were acting out, but they couldn't do that now. The men tried to run, but the door was put on lock down and it shut fast.

They bang on the door as 003 puts her hand out, focusing her powers on them. "Burn." 003 whispers and her power travels into their skulls, their eyes turning a glint of the majestic purple. Their bodies set on fire. There is no screaming, no cries for help. There is only scorching skin, flames, and 003's struggles to keep her hold on them. Once someone is under the control of 003, there is no escaping it.

When they stopped screaming and fell to the floor, 003 knew the men were dead. She stopped the fire, the purple tone diminishing. She twirls it around her fingers for a few seconds, admiring the beauty and the danger of it. Her eyes go back to normal. Her feet started moving from underneath her, and she starts to run out of the halls to the elevator. "Hey! Stop running! Hey!" Echoed through the halls as she ran past the rooms of the other experiments.

She only stopped when she heard another voice. "003." Papa.

"Stop running 003." She heard his footsteps getting closer. 003 simply stood there, not daring to move a muscle. Papa walked around her until he was in front of her. "You're safer here. It's dangerous out there." She met his eyes and glared at him. She knew it was more dangerous in here than out there. "You'll never survive. We can keep you safe here. With your siblings. With your family."

Her eyes turned the raging amethyst colour again. "Mama was family." She yelled in his face, tilting her head aggressively to the left as he was thrown back against the white walls of the only home she's known for the majority of her life. He groaned in pain and 003 ran again. The elevator was not an option anymore. Looking around, she notices a window in another room. It's a big fall, but she can make it. 003 jumps out, considering it's only 7 feet from the ground. She tries landing on her feet, but she twists it and whimpers in pain as she rolls down the hill. The guards ran out of the building and into cars. She has to get out. She can't go back. Her arms push her up, and she tries running despite her ankle.

The heat of the July air doesn't affect her at this point. from the migraines, her ankle, and blood loss, she can't feel anything else. All she is now is numb and tired. Blood drips from her nose and eyes onto the dirt ground of the woods.

After several hours of running, the guards gave up the retreat but she continued. 003 looks back to check if they're coming, but she smacks her head on a thick branch. Her limp body falls to the floor with a thump as everything goes black.


Joyce Byers and her sons Will and Jonathan were out on a camping trip. The fire was burning out and they needed it for a while, so she went to get some more wood. Her eyes traveled the landscape as she walked in and out of the trees, and she noticed a white hospital dress on what looked somewhat like a person. Even though Joyce was skeptical, she had to make sure they were okay, if they were even alive. As she got closer, she saw it was a teenage girl in what looked to be a hospital gown. She had a H/C buzz cut, a 003 tattoo on her wrist, dried blood on her face coming from her sleeping eyes and nose.

A look or worry spread on her face as she bent down to get a closer look. The girl was unconscious and Joyce couldn't tell if she was dead or alive. The woman grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently. "Hey... sweetie? Can you hear me?" As soon as Joyce ended her sentence the girl's eyes snapped open. 003 jumped back, eyes wide and scared. "Hey! Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." Joyce said, her hands up so 003 could see she was okay. But she didn't understand. In the blink of an eye, 003 was sprinting away from her, numbing the shoots of pain coming from her ankle in adrenaline. Joyce follows after her quickly and starts catching up to her. "Hey! We're gonna keep you safe!"

003 stops. She remembers what Papa said."We can keep you safe." The suddenness of her stop causes Joyce to fall on top of her. "Let go!" 003 screamed. Joyce picked her up in her arms despite her kicking and yelling, and brought her back to the site. "Mommy, who's that?" young Will Byers asked. Joyce looked over to her son sweetly, and replied with "You don't have to worry about it, baby. We're gonna take care of her until we find her family." And they did. The Byers family helped 003 try and find them, even though she told them she didn't have any, which they soon discovered was true. Soon enough, Joyce decided since 003 didn't have any family, and she was practically living with them already, she would adopt her.

So Joyce did, and 003 became Y/N Byers. Her hair grew out, it was H/L now, and she doesn't use her powers anymore. Her family doesn't even know she has them. It's a new life for Y/N. She developed her own hobbies, like painting and book writing. Occasionally Y/N would babysit for her brother's friends, even though they didn't really need it.

Although she adores many people, she has a burning hate for Steve Harrington. To her he's just an annoying asshole for the sake of being one. Y/N does her best to steer clear of him and just hang out with her brother, Jonathan, even though it's not easy to escape the teasing she gets from he and his minions. As time went by, Y/N thought she was in the clear from Papa and the demogorgons and the upside down.

If only she knew how wrong she was.


hi everyoneee :D

tysm for reading the first chapter!! I genuinely appreciate all of you readers SO MUCH. ily!

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