(10) Explosions and Bullets

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Season 1, Episode 6: TS-19

October 7th, Day 64

RORY WAKES UP from her dream. She doesn't want to dwell on it.

She sat in the cot and read quietly while Kat slept, sometimes waking up to adjust her position. Everyone had already started to wake up and make their way to the kitchen, including Daryl who insisted Rory get something to eat as well. Kat meowed when she felt Rory pick her up and follow Daryl to the cafeteria.

“Hurry up. Jenner is gon’ give us answers today,” Daryl said plainly, and he went to grab her wrist. Rory immediately flinched back and Daryl raised an eyebrow, noticing the reaction.

Rory cleared her throat casually and looked away. Daryl didn't say anything, opting to just lead her.

Rory sat Kat down by some food and the small feline gobbled it all up.

“Hey,” Daryl greeted everyone.

Looking around, Rory could see how everyone was hungover. Well, mostly Glenn was, Andrea rubbed at her temple in pain, Dale was uncharacteristically irritable, and T-Dog was preparing some powdered eggs while gagging. Lori was sitting quietly, not speaking unless spoken to.

“Morning.” Rick greeted them, looking awful. He must have drank too much wine yesterday.

“Are you hungover?” Carl asked at once, grinning up at Deputy Grimes excitedly. “Mom said you’d be.” The table groaned in an answer, and Nicky smirked at each of them.

Rick rolled his eyes and sat down beside Lori. “Mom is right.” The table laughed, well all except the poor little Asian man who was covering his head to try and block out all noises.

Lori let out a hum of laughter. “Mom has that annoying habit.” Their conversation kept droning on and Nicky decided to roll her eyes at it all.

“Eggs. Powdered, but—but I do ‘em good. I bet you can’t tell. Protein helps the hangover.” T-Dog insisted, shoveling eggs onto Glenn's plate.

Rory grabbed the aspirin bottle from beside Glenn and handed it to Rick. “Here, Mr. Grimes. Mr. Jenner said it'll help with the headache.”

“Thanks,” Rick tried to open the bottle with what little strength he had, but it didn't budge. He sighed and handed it to Lori. “Help, please?”

Glenn groaned loudly. “Don’t ever ever ever let me drink again.”

“It's pretty funny, though. You should drink at least once a week,” Rory said to Glenn, smiling widely. “You were red like a tomato!”

“Stop, Ro,” Glenn groaned and banged his head on the table. Jacqui moved beside Glenn and rubbed his back, sympathetically. “It hurts my head.”


Rory quickly glanced over at Shane. She looked at Lori but the matriarch was looking down. What happened between them? She seemed to be trying to avoid Shane, so he must've done something.

“Hey.” Rick greeted Shane. “Feel as bad as I do?”

“Worse.” Shane replied grimly, sparing Rick a fleeting glance.

“What the Hell happened to you?” T-Dog asked, peering at Shane with narrowed eyes. “Your neck?”

Shane pulled his shirt down a little, letting everyone see the two recent scratch marks. “I must have done it in my sleep.”

Lori didn't want whatever happened to be known. Rick furrowed his brows. “Never seen you do that before.”

Shane sipped at his coffee for a while before responding. “Me neither. Not like me at all.”

ɢʜᴏsᴛs ~ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍¹Where stories live. Discover now