The Chosen Child

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Sunlight streamed through the curtains, painting golden stripes across Ms. Bluu's face. She held the strange wristband in her hand, its vibrant colors a stark contrast to the worry etched on her brow.

"Jaxon! Come on, or you'll be late for school!" she called out, her voice laced with urgency.

Jaxon, his teddy bear clutched tightly in his hand, came racing down the stairs, his backpack bouncing on his shoulders. "Coming, Mom!" His face was vibrant and joyful, a chilling contrast to the storm brewing inside Ms. Bluu."Let's go, let's go!" Ms. Bluu hurried him along, grabbing her keys and purse on the way out. They rushed out the door and into their car.

As they drove through the quiet suburbs, Ms. Bluu couldn't help but notice the unsettling sight of white figures scattered across the lawns. 

Men and women, clad in pristine white gowns,  stood motionless, their faces devoid of expression. In their pale hands, they held signs aloft that read..."The Great Rewind." Their vacant stares followed the car as it passed, sending shivers down Ms. Bluu's spine.

The city grew closer, the once-uniform landscape morphing into a vibrant tapestry of diverse faces. A sense of relief washed over Ms. Bluu as she pulled up in front of Jaxon's school.

Jaxon reached for the door handle, but Ms. Bluu placed a hand on his arm. "Jaxon, honey," she began, her voice softening, "I have to work overtime at the restaurant tonight. Can you stay after school until I pick you up?"

Jaxon nodded silently, his gaze downcast. Ms. Bluu squeezed his shoulder reassuringly before giving him a quick hug.

As Jaxon ran off to meet Taylor, Ms. Bluu caught side of a familiar figure approaching - Jessie, Taylor's mother. "Hey Jessie," Ms. Bluu greeted her with a tired smile. "Seems like Taylor's made a new friend."

"Yeah, she says the kids at school can be mean to Jaxon, but she likes him," Jessie replied kindly.

"Thank you, Jessie," Ms. Bluu sighed, her exhaustion evident. "Honestly, I don't know how much more of this I can take."

"Of course, babes," Jessie offered sympathetically. "How are you holding up?"

Ms. Bluu simply shrugged, the weight of her worries too heavy to express.

Inside the school, Jaxon walked hand-in-hand with Taylor, navigating the gauntlet of curious stares and hushed whispers. As they passed Bobby, the school bully, a loud, mocking voice shattered the fragile peace.

"Hey, Jaxon! Still playing with imaginary friends? What a weirdo!" Bobby taunted, his words punctuated by the snickers of his cronies.

Jaxon flinched, his smile faltering, his chest tightening with a pang of hurt. But before he could retreat into his shell, Taylor squeezed his hand.

"Mom says everyone's weird in their own way," she declared, her voice brimming with confidence.

Jaxon managed a weak smile, a flicker of gratitude battling the sadness in his eyes. Despite the challenges, a fragile thread of hope held him together – the unwavering friendship of a girl who saw him not for his differences, but for the kind and curious boy he truly was.

The classroom buzzed with activity as the final math equation flickered on the screen. A collective groan of relief filled the air as Mr. Marley announced the end of lessons.

"Alright, you know what that means!" he declared, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Free time!" the students cheered, erupting in a flurry of excited chatter.

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