A Divided World

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Three massive trucks rumbled to a halt outside the warehouse, their imposing forms dwarfing the surrounding buildings. Dr. Dubar Thompson, his face etched with determination, stepped out, flanked by the ever-stoic Gregory. Behind them, a phalanx of black militants marched in unison, their expressions mirroring their leader's resolute purpose.

From the lead truck emerged a figure that seemed to embody a stark contrast: a Chinese man, his shaved head adorned with a ferocious wolf tattoo. His eyes, sharp and calculating, held the gaze of a man accustomed to wielding power. Several Chinese men, clad in immaculate suits, followed him, their presence a visual reminder of the diverse forces converging for this clandestine operation.The two groups converged in the cavernous center of the warehouse, the air thick with tension and anticipation. Dr. Dubar gestured towards Gregory with a flourish.

"Gregory, my right hand," he boomed, his voice echoing through the vast space. "Mr. Zhang here is a man of his word, and the Chinese are known for doing good business."

Zhang, his lips curled into a hint of a smile, inclined his head in acknowledgment. "The pleasure is mine, Dr. Thompson," he replied in accented English. "You keep your word, and I get what I came for – the map to the Edge of the World."

A sinister grin spread across Dr. Dubar's face. He glanced at Gregory, who stepped forward, a silver case gleaming in his hand. Two of Zhang's bodyguards, their faces emotionless, materialized beside him and retrieved the case. With practiced ease, they snapped it open, revealing an ancient scroll.

Unfurling the scroll, Zhang's eyes widened in a mixture of awe and greed. The document displayed two distinct images: a world map colored in familiar blues and greens, and beside it, a smaller sphere shrouded in ominous black ink.

"These... these really are the coordinates to the Edge?" Zhang stammered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Dr. Dubar let out a hearty chuckle. "The African people were once connected to the Edge of the World, Mr. Zhang," he declared, his voice dripping with historical significance. "Legend has it that it was another world in itself."

A slow smile stretched across Zhang's face, revealing a glint of ambition in his eyes. "Take care, Dr. Thompson," he said, his voice laced with a hidden threat. "And may you and your... white counterparts find the chaos you desire."

With a curt nod, Zhang snapped the case shut and turned, his entourage moving in unison to follow him. As they disappeared through the warehouse doors, Dr. Dubar exhaled a satisfied breath "Damn fools," her muttered, a flicker of pity in his eye "the ancestors loved to draw legends and speak about wild stories of monsters and spirits but the real world is technology". 

He gestured towards the trucks with a flourish. With a groan of hydraulics, the massive doors at the back swung open, revealing a sight that sent shivers down Gregory's spine.

Inside, bathed in the harsh warehouse lighting, stood a row of magnificent figures – sleek, cybernetic war machines that gleamed with an otherworldly sheen. There armors a shell, a dark metallic grey and black that seemed to swallow light, wasn't a simple carapace. Smooth, curved plates flowed across their immense chest, reminiscent of a knight's breastplate, but at its shoulders transitioned abruptly into razor-sharp angles. These housed what could only be colossal weaponry – massive barrels that hinted at devastating firepower. Dr. Dubar's eyes sparkled with manic glee as he took in the sight.

"At last," he breathed, his voice trembling with barely contained excitement.

Gregory, his face reflecting Dr. Dubar's enthusiasm, let out a whoop of pure joy. "It's... it's beautiful!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

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