Jaxon and June

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Through a haze of pain, Ms. Bluu saw a figure approach the overturned car. A man, dressed in a way that screamed wealth - a stark contrast to the devastation around them - stood beside the wreckage. His voice was barely audible over the ringing in her ears.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?"

Ms. Bluu blinked, trying to focus. Dustin Galvich, the name tag on his expensive leather jacket read. A tall white man, muscular with bright blue eyes and short, curly hair. His face was etched with concern.

"Help... my son..." Ms. Bluu croaked, her voice dry and raspy.

Dustin followed her gaze to the backseat. "Is that Jaxon?" he asked.

"Yes!" Ms. Bluu's throat tightened. "Please..." The pain in her head throbbed with each word, threatening to pull her under. Before she could finish, Dustin reached in and carefully unbuckled Jaxon's seatbelt.

"Wait! No!" Ms. Bluu cried out, a surge of panic jolting her back to awareness. "How do you know his name?"

Ignoring her question for the moment, Dustin expertly pulled Jaxon out of the car and cradled him in his arms. "We don't have time for this," he muttered, his voice low and urgent.

Ms. Bluu tried to sit up, the world tilting violently around her. "No! Don't take him!" she screamed, the effort causing fresh pain to bloom in her head.

Dustin didn't answer. With surprising speed for such a large man, he sprinted to a black car parked a few feet away. He gently placed Jaxon in the backseat, buckling him in before jumping into the driver's seat.

The engine roared to life, and Dustin peeled away from the wreckage, weaving through the chaotic streets. Ms. Bluu watched them go, a mixture of terror and confusion clouding her mind.

They reached a roadblock, a barricade of police cars blocking the way. Officers in riot gear stood guard, their faces grim.

"The hell is this?" Dustin muttered, slamming on the brakes.

He stepped out of the car, his badge glinting in the smoke-filled air. He approached one of the officers, a young woman with a nervous energy about her.

"Excuse me," Dustin said, his voice clipped. "I need to get through here."

The officer barely glanced at the badge. "I don't care who you are, sir". she rasped, her voice hoarse from shouting orders. "Noboy gets through. We've got massive terror attacks all over the city, and I have my orders. Nobody leaves."

Just then, another officer ran up, handing the first a phone. The officer's face blanched as she listened.

"Yes sir," she said, her voice clipped. She looked back at Dustin with a mixture of fear and respect. "Are you Mr. Dustin Galvich?"

"In the flesh," Dustin replied, a hint of amusement in his voice, though his eyes remaind pressing.

"Let him through," the officer barked to the others, waving them aside. "The higher-ups want him through."

Dustin nodded curtly and slid back into his car. As they drove through the checkpoint, he pulled out a phone and dialed a single number.

"Tell the President," he said, his voice calm and collected despite the chaos around him, "I said the package will arrive in 45 minutes."

He ended the call and glanced back at Jaxon, who was stirring in the backseat. Jaxon's eyelids fluttered open, revealing confusion and a flicker of fear. 

"Jaxon, you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

Jaxon sat up slowly, his eyes wide with confusion. "Where am I? Where's Mom?"

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