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Jaxon whimpered in his sleep, tossing and turning beneath the thin blanket. A single word escaped his lips, a whisper laced with sorrow, "Taylor..."

Inside his dream, the familiar terror unfolded. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he relived the now-familiar nightmare. Smoke choked the air, obscuring the once bustling street Jaxon remembered. The ground was littered with debris, a testament to the destruction wrought by the white war machine. A hollow ache bloomed in his chest as he called out, "Taylor?"

His voice echoed unanswered in the desolate landscape. But then, a mechanical groan pierced the silence. Rising from the haze, the monstrous form of the war machine loomed, its white armor cracked and scorched from the battle. Jagged metal teeth snarled on its metallic face, and its giant hands reached out with a horrifying slowness, aimed directly at Jaxon.

Terror choked his breath. He spun around, wanting to run, but his legs felt like lead. A scream ripped from his throat as the war machine's hand descended.

A soothing voice, calm amidst the chaos, cut through the nightmare. "Jaxon," it called, gentle and familiar.

Jaxon's eyes flew open. The smoke receded, revealing the hazy form of June standing in the center of the ruined street. Relief washed over him, a wave so powerful it forced out another word, "June."

The war machine sputtered and dissolved, its menacing form disappearing like a bad dream. June stood alone, a beacon of comfort in the smoke-filled landscape.

"It's okay," she said, her voice like a warm summer breeze. "You were just having a nightmare."

Jaxon scrambled to his feet, a mixture of fear and confusion clouding his eyes. "How are you here?"

"I told you," June replied with a smile, "when we got married, our souls were tied together. When you're hurting, I can feel it. And I promised to always protect you."

Jaxon met with a wave of relief "I miss mom" he mumbled, his voice thick with unshed tears. "I hope shes okay."

June's smile softened into a look of understanding. She pulled him into a hug, her touch warm and comforting. "Your mom is fine Jaxon" she whispered. 

June took a deep breath. "Some day you will come to my world and will both be adults, then we can save the world with your moms help too". Jaxon leans in searching desperately for answers. Jaxon "Are people fighting in our world too". June "Yes, but it's a different kind of fight, all humans are working together for the same cause". Jaxon smiles. 

Jaxon "It's kinda weird that we're kids in this world and adults in another". 

Her hand resting gently on his shoulder. "Remeber, the moment we step into the void we're who we truly are and that's the reflection of ourselves in the prime world, all other dimensions are imitations but I must say this now, my desire is make you whole again or else you will suffer the same fate as Taylor".

Jaxon "Wait, if Taylor dying in the prime world means she was meant to die in my world then i'm...". June's silence was a piercing answer he never expected, even as a child nobody is ready for such a revelation. 

Jaxons face over taken by sadness. June pecks his lips. June "listen to me, that's why I'm here, to make sure this world which is the last of all worlds with you, Jaxon Heart is not destroyed before you reclaim your position as Keeper of the Vanta Void, that starts with you learning to control the monsters in the void and never forgetting me because I am forever tied to you Jaxon but if you forget me then what's left of prime Jaxon will be gone and you will cease to exist".

Junes words brought a soft warmth to his heart, he did not understand everything but he was for certain that she loved him. 

Resting his head on her shoulder, he looked out at the smoky landscape. The scene shimmered and warped, slowly transforming into the familiar red grass of Terris, the world June had described as her primary world. Jaxon "I v'e become friends with the monsters in the dark". June "I'm glad, they've missed you a bunch, just like i've missed you".

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