Jin Ryota

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Jin Tarō never understood why he was different. Nobody liked him. Always bullied (and feared) by other children and even by his parents (because of his quirks.).

Everything was fine before he turned 4. He had friends, his parents loved him, he was a happy child and wanted to become a doctor, just like his mom. He had everything any child would ever dream of having.

Until his quirks came in at least.

It was May 6 of 21XX and it was his 4th birthday. He was so excited about the idea of receiving his Quirk. At the time, he wondered if he would get a telekinetic quirk. Maybe even a teleportation quirk. He could still remember a few days before his birthday about his parents chattering with their friends about his future quirk.

"It's Ice Kyo," he remembered his mother say confidently to his father "children are more likely to follow after their mother after all!"

His father had shaken his head as he pouted, looking reminiscent to a pouting child. "No Ling dear, you have it all wrong," his father had chided, which earned him a glare from his mother "Its teleportation!"

His mother had huffed childishly as their friends laughed at the scene.

If only he could have made them smile like that again. 

On the day of his birthday, Friends from his preschool had just entered his home, their parents following them inside with gifts or snacks in their hands as his parents greeted them with smiles, hugs and handshakes.

He remembered it had ran straight to the afternoon period. He had bee playing with his friends on a trampoline when the adults called them over for cake. He remember rushing over when his quirk came in.

Blood. So much blood.

So tasty...

He remembered screams erupting as he was pulled off of his crying friend, his father shaking him as his mother could only peer at him with fearful eyes. He felt so confused as to what happened.

"What did I do Otou-san?" he remembered his young voice laced with confusion and fear when he asked that question. He could still feel the blood rolling down his chin, staining his white shirt a dirty crimson.

It only seemed to enrage his father and he could only remember seeing his father raise his hand to slap him before he found himself half way across the country in Japan, landing in Hyoto. He remembered feeling even more concerned and fearful of where he was, surrounded by startled civilians who rushed him to a Hyoto hospital when they saw the state he was in.

They never knew if wasn't his blood.

The police retrieved his parents after he relayed their contact information (as taught by his Okaa-san) and instead of the warmth of their hugs, he was instead greeted with a slap.

"How dare you?! How dare you disgrace us with such a quirk?!" His father had shouted at him, his black eyes flared with anger as Jin's cheek stung red from his father's action.

"Oh, what sin had I done? Why did I have to birth such a demon child?" He remembered his mother whimpering, her brown eyes overflowing with disgust at the sight of him.

Shortly after that, a Quirk doctor came and explained that he had three quirks. A teleportation and a time Quirk, which he had received from his father, and a mutation of his mother's blood Quirk. 

A Vampirism Quirk.

Everything changed after that.

He and his family had lived in Kyoto and had to move away the following day of his birthday due to his actions on his birthday, the once accepting community he lived in turning against them. His once friends now mocked(and feared him) and his friends' parents only treated his parents with cruelty. Even their friends had turned against them, fearful that associating with them would only bring bad luck. Often seen carrying Omamori when around them