Dating a Teacher

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   "(F/N)!!!" You heard a voice call your name. You turned to see Eridan. You had been depressed you remember what happened last week.

     Karkat picked up the book he had dropped. You were horrified. "Mr. Vantas are you married!?" You almost shouted. He gave you a weird look "Well I am engaged" He put the book back. You forced a smile as you said forcefully sounding happy; "Oh, congradulations." You bowed and whispered  an"Excuse me." Before running off much to Karkat's dismay.

    Eridan touched your shoulder. "(F/N) Are you alright?" He asked a look of concern clear on his face. You shook your head/ "Eh, Yes I am perfectly fine." You whispered once again forcing a smile. You had been doing that more than you would have preferred.

   Eridan shook his head. "Don't lie to me (F/N)." He said. You sighed. "Sorry Mr. Ampora." You bowed your head. He lifted your chin gently. "Don't apologize beautiful." He whispered.

   'WAIT! Hold the damn phone! Did he just call me beautiful?! No fuck you I love Karka-' your thoughts were interrupted by Eridan's voice. "So wwanna go on a date or somefin?" He asked tilting his head. He looked slightly adorable you had to admit but no you wouldn't.

   Once again you remembered the events with Karkat. You sighed and nodded. "S-sure Mr. Ampora." He smiled. "Wwonderful i'll pick you up at seven Friday." He said turning to walk away. 'How the hell does he know where I live?' You asked yourself. 'Great i'm starting to think like Victoria bad brain stop it.'

   "Oh and (F/N)." Eridan said turning slightly. You looked at him confused. "Call me Eridan" He said winking before walking away.

   H0W THE HELL DID ERI BEC0ME S0 SM00TH!!! aND N0000 Y0u d0n't end with Eridan (it is a KARKAT x reader after all) He is a bump basically y0u have n0 r0mantic feelings f0r Eridan but think ab0ut it y0u did just find 0ut y0ur senpai has a fiancé s0000 Depression sex? *sees raging fans* n0? 0kay JK XD D0n't w0rry in the next few chapters y0u will get time with Karkitty~ TILL NEXT TIME MY LITTLE ZER0'S (Sh0uld I include y0u and Eridans date remember y0u tw0 aren't g0ing t0 be t0gether f0r l0ng think ab0ut it if THAT were g0ing t0 happen it w0uld be Karkat x Reader x Eridan but it h0wever is n0t) BYEEE

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