Dancing on Air, More like Drowning

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The way he held you. It felt as if you were dancing on a cloud, better yet on the air.
You felt as if you were made to dance with him, to be in his arms forever.
You noticed the hostess giving you jealous glares behind her red glasses.
You just shrugged it off and stared into Karkat's eyes. He looked as if he longed for you.
You blushed darkly as he turned you in smooth circles. "I wish it could be like this forever, (Y/ N)." He said smiling sadly.
'WAIT WHAT?!!' You exclaimed. Tears pricked your sad eyes "K-karkat." You stuttered. "Why are you crying?"
You two both stopped spinning. Tears began to fall. "Because I love you Idiot!" You shouted ripping yourself from his arms.
He called your name, as did Eridan. You didn't care, you just wanted to run away. To be done with high school forever.
You slammed your bedroom door. While Crying into your pillow you called your parents. "Hey (Legal gaurdians/ or parents name), is there food in the fridge?" You asked pretending to be happy.
Your parents had stocked you up on food because they were on a vaction. As soon as you learned the location of the food you hung up and searched the fridge.
You decided on soft served ice cream. You began to get a bowl. "Screw it." You murmered and just grabbed the carton and a spoon.
After inserting your favorite rom-com you sat on your couch cuddled up to your pillow.
You sighed as you whipped your tears away quickly. Taking a few spoonfuls of ice cream into your mouth you pressed play.
A sudden pain crept up on you. "G-GAH BRAIN FREEZE!!!" You shouted grabbing your head.
Then your doorbell rang. "What the hell?" You murmured not in the mood To deal with people. "It's open!" You shouted.
The door opened to reveal-

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