Not Who You Wanted >:0)

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    You heard a crash behind you. "What the hell?" You asked yourself before turning around. There stood one of your friends' teachers. He taught sex ed you believed. "Mr. Makara?" You asked shocked. You had never spoken, but one of your friends had a crush on him. "HONK!" He shouted. Three bloody scratch marks decorated his face.

      You winced at his tone. "W-what?" You asked. He had a murderous look. You began to shake as he walked closer. "HeHeHeHeHe." He cackled as you turned around and sprinted to your bathroom. You turned a corner and reached the bathroom. You slammed the door and locked it. You backed away from the door and sat on the edge of your bathtub.

      "I don't want to die." You muttered listing the things you wanted to do in your head. "I never even had my first kiss." You murmured fearing for your life. You always had a bad feeling about this man. He gave you the chills, Victoria felt the same. You noticed she wasn't around when you left the dance. Normal;y she would check up on you. You shook your head "No time for that now." You mumbled as you looked for an escape out of the bathroom. No way out.

     "What's happening?" You whispered as he pounded on the door. You felt like your heart could stop beating at any moment. There was a sudden stop from the pounding. "YoU CaN't HiDe FoReVeR, DEAR!!!" He sounded angry.

      Then the door fell down. You were horrified at what he was holding, a knife. "W-what are you going to do t-to me?" You asked tears threatening to fall. He laughed as you felt a sharp pain in your head. He had hit you on the head with the hilt of the kitchen knife.

      You began to stir and tried to move. You felt restriction on your arms, and thighs. You tasted rubber. You tried to push it out of your mouth but was unable, it felt horrible. "How do people find pleasure in being tied up like this?!" You tried too scream but it was muffled. "Did this bitch, Tie me up?!" you thought confused, and angered. "Perfect timing, you confessed to your crush then get kidnapped.

     "what a wonderful day." You muttered sarcasticly. "It Is FoR mE." Your captor snickered. You looked to the side to see the being. His face still as sadistic as before. "Why am I here?!" You shouted as loud as you could, after all there was a chance he wouldn't hear you because of the gag.

      "Oh NoThInG rEaLlY jUsT a LiTtLe FuN" He shouted moving closer to you. You felt something soft. Were you on a bed? "Yep definatly a bed" you confirmed. You felt yourself being pushed down on the bed by Mr. Makara.

     "What are you doing?!" You asked horrified. He grunted in reply as you felt your clothes being cut off by what you assumed was the knife he had earlier. That night your cries brought him pleasure, he took what you were saving for your true love.


       That was the night you lost your virginity.

   YesSs I KN0W THAT WASsS SsS0 BAD MY P00R READER TT0TT!!!! AT first the rapist was g0ing to be Eridan but then I thought 'why not bring in an0ther character, after all there aren't many in here right n0w and I plan t0 use all of the trolls (well the beta ones anyways other than Karkat, and Nepeta's ancestors and dancestors.) UM  S0 yeah this is h0w Gamzee has been intr0duced, I plan to do each troll have their own special introduction with Reader-Chan.

     I apologize for Gamzee's intro it's very dark. Origionally it was going to be Karkat and he was going to confess to his feelings, but I realized this would be highly ooc and he wouldn't just drop Nepeta especially since they would've had a long relationship before getting engaged. It's just not something Karkat would do in my opinion and I plan not to bend his personality too much (Although I kind of have already but I don't want to change him completely)

        Of course I do plan on giving you a happy ending (Which in x readers almost everyone wants I mean who wouldn't want to end up with their crush?!) There will have to be a build up and he would need to have a closer bond with Reader-chan after all they haven't known each other for THAT long. Sorry for such a dark, and emotional chapter. I just really was in the mood and wanted a deeper chapter in the story since plenty of them have been pretty light hearted.

       The video was the song that I listened too when writing this and um Lastly please please PLEASE comment Literally the only reason I updated was because of the comments. When I don't get them I feel less motivated and will probably cause me not to update as often. Alright I suppose that's all.

See you in the Comments ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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