11. The Fourth Victim

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As the weeks stretched on, tension hung thick in the air of Nevermore Academy. Ghostface continued to elude capture, leaving a trail of fear and uncertainty in their wake. Wednesday and Enid found themselves working tirelessly, their determination fueled by the mounting sense of urgency.

The morning after the third murder, Wednesday and Enid convened in their dorm room, surrounded by a sea of evidence and unanswered questions. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of their failure to apprehend the killer.

Enid's fingers traced the edges of a photograph, her expression troubled. "Wednesday, what if we're missing something crucial? What if there's a detail we've overlooked?"

Wednesday's brow furrowed in thought. "We've been so focused on the victims and the suspects that we haven't considered the possibility of an accomplice. Someone who's been aiding Ghostface from the shadows."

Enid's eyes widened in realization. "You're right. But who could it be?"

"That's what we need to find out," Wednesday replied, her voice steely with determination.

Their first step was to review the evidence from the previous murders, searching for any common threads or overlooked details. They pored over crime scene photos, witness statements, and forensic reports, piecing together a timeline of events in their quest for answers.

Hours turned into days as they meticulously dissected every clue, their minds racing with possibilities. Enid's werewolf senses provided a unique perspective, her heightened sense of smell and hearing uncovering faint traces of something sinister lurking beneath the surface.

One evening, as they sifted through a stack of old yearbooks in search of potential accomplices, Enid paused, her attention caught by a familiar name. "Wednesday, look at this."

Wednesday leaned over, her eyes scanning the page. "It's Lucas, one of the members of the Raven's Claw. He was friends with all the victims."

Enid nodded, a troubled frown marring her features. "And he's been acting suspiciously lately. Always disappearing when Ghostface strikes."

A chill ran down Wednesday's spine as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. "We need to confront him. If he's involved, we need to know."

Their conversation was interrupted by a frantic knock on the door. Principal Weems stood on the threshold, her expression grave.

"There's been another murder," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need to go. Now."

With a sense of dread weighing heavy on their hearts, Wednesday and Enid followed Principal Weems to the scene of the crime. The library, once a sanctuary of knowledge and learning, now stood as a grim testament to the horrors that had befallen Nevermore Academy.

The victim, a junior named Emily, lay sprawled across a table, her lifeless eyes staring blankly into the void. Blood pooled around her, staining the pages of the books that surrounded her like a macabre tableau.

Enid's breath caught in her throat as she surveyed the scene, her heart heavy with grief and anger. "This has to stop, Wednesday. We have to find Ghostface before they strike again."

Wednesday's jaw clenched with determination. "We will, Enid. I promise."

With renewed resolve, they began their investigation anew, scouring the library for any clues that might lead them to the killer. They interviewed witnesses, analyzed the crime scene, and painstakingly retraced Emily's last moments in search of answers.

As they worked, a sense of urgency hung heavy in the air, each passing moment bringing them closer to the truth. And as the pieces of the puzzle began to slot into place, Wednesday and Enid found themselves facing a chilling realization.

"Lucas," Enid whispered, her voice trembling with disbelief. "It has to be him."

Wednesday's gaze hardened, her mind already racing with plans for their next move. "We need to confront him. And this time, we won't let him slip through our fingers."

With their determination set like steel, Wednesday and Enid set out to confront the one person who held the key to unraveling the mystery of Ghostface. 

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