16. Decent into Madness

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The dorm room seemed to grow colder, the shadows lengthening as the weight of Wednesday's words settled over Enid like a suffocating blanket. For a moment, Enid sat motionless, her eyes wide with shock. Then, the realization of what Wednesday was asking her to do sank in, and something inside her snapped.

"No!" Enid screamed, her voice a raw, desperate cry that echoed through the room. She sprang to her feet, her eyes wild with a mix of fear and fury. "You can't ask me to do that, Wednesday! I did it for us! I did it because I love you!"

Wednesday stood her ground, her expression a mask of sorrow and determination. "Enid, please. You have to understand. Turning yourself in is the only way to make this right."

"Make this right?" Enid's voice was high-pitched and frantic, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. "You think I can just walk in there and confess? You think they'll understand why I did it? They'll lock me up, Wednesday! They'll take me away from you!"

Tears streamed down Enid's face as she paced the room, her emotions spiraling out of control. "I did all of this for us! Every single one of them deserved it! They were cruel, they were horrible, and they would have hurt you if I hadn't stopped them!"

Wednesday's heart ached at the sight of Enid's anguish, but she knew she couldn't back down. "Enid, you killed innocent people. This has to end. We have to stop the cycle of violence."

Enid's eyes blazed with a frenzied intensity. "You don't understand! They weren't innocent! Jeremy, Thomas, all of them—they were threats! They would have hurt you, Wednesday! They would have taken you away from me!"

Wednesday took a cautious step toward Enid, her voice softening as she tried to reach her through the haze of madness. "Enid, listen to me. I know you think you were protecting me, but this isn't the way. We need to face this together, but we have to do it the right way."

Enid's laughter was hollow, edged with hysteria. "The right way? What's the right way, Wednesday? Letting those monsters roam free while you're in danger? No, I couldn't let that happen. I won't let anyone take you from me!"

Wednesday felt a chill run down her spine as she saw the depths of Enid's obsession. This wasn't just about love—it was about control, about a desperate need to hold onto something that had spiraled far beyond her grasp.

"Enid, please," Wednesday implored, her voice breaking. "If you love me, you'll do this. We can face it together, but you have to turn yourself in. It's the only way we can move forward."

Enid's expression twisted with anguish, her body trembling with the force of her emotions. "Move forward? How can we move forward if I'm locked away? How can we be together if you abandon me?"

"I'm not abandoning you," Wednesday insisted, her voice firm. "I'm trying to save you. Save us. But we can't build our future on a foundation of lies and bloodshed."

Enid's shoulders sagged, her energy suddenly draining away as the enormity of her actions crashed down on her. She sank to the floor, her sobs wracking her body. "I just wanted to protect you," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I just wanted us to be together."

Wednesday knelt beside her, her own eyes brimming with tears. "I know, Enid. I know. But this isn't the way. We have to face the truth, no matter how hard it is."

For a long moment, the room was silent except for Enid's heart-wrenching sobs. Then, slowly, she nodded, her resolve crumbling as she realized there was no other way.

"Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'll do it. I'll turn myself in."

Wednesday wrapped her arms around Enid, holding her close as the weight of their decisions settled over them both. They would face the consequences together, their love tested and strained but not entirely broken.

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