17. The Plan

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The dawn light filtered softly through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room where Wednesday and Enid sat, the weight of their decisions pressing down on them. Enid's eyes were red-rimmed from crying, her emotions a turbulent storm just beneath the surface. Wednesday remained calm and composed, her dark eyes unwavering as she laid out their plan.

"We'll go to Principal Weems," Wednesday began, her voice steady. "We'll explain everything. I'll be there with you every step of the way."

Enid nodded slowly, her hands trembling. "What will happen to me?"

"There will be consequences," Wednesday admitted. "But if we explain, maybe they'll understand. Maybe they'll show leniency."

Enid's gaze dropped to her hands, her mind racing with fear and doubt. "What if they don't? What if they lock me up forever?"

"We'll face it together," Wednesday assured her. "No matter what."

Enid swallowed hard, trying to steady her nerves. "Okay. When do we do it?"

"Now," Wednesday replied. "Before we lose our nerve."

They stood, the decision made, but as they approached the door, Enid's panic began to resurface. She hesitated, her breathing quickening, and Wednesday turned to her, concern etched on her face.

"Enid, it's going to be okay," she said softly.

But Enid's fear was like a tidal wave, crashing over her and dragging her into its depths. Her eyes darted around the room, and her thoughts became a chaotic jumble. "No, no, I can't do this," she whispered, backing away from the door. "I can't go to prison, Wednesday. I can't lose you."

"Enid, calm down," Wednesday urged, reaching out to her. "We have to do this."

But Enid's panic morphed into something darker, more desperate. Her eyes filled with a wild light, and she grabbed Wednesday's arms, shaking her. "No! You can't make me do this! We can be happy together, Wednesday. We can leave, run away, and start over."

Wednesday tried to pull away, but Enid's grip was like iron. "Enid, stop! This isn't the way!"

Enid's desperation turned to anger, and she shoved Wednesday, sending her stumbling back. "You don't understand! I did all of this for us! For you!"

Wednesday regained her footing, her heart pounding. "Enid, you're scaring me. We need to go."

But Enid wasn't listening anymore. Her mind was a whirlwind of fear and love twisted into a dangerous obsession. She lunged at Wednesday, her hands clawing at her in a frenzied attempt to make her see reason. "No! I won't let you ruin everything!"

Wednesday struggled against her, trying to fend off the attack without hurting Enid. "Enid, stop this! You're not thinking clearly!"

But Enid's grip tightened, her nails digging into Wednesday's skin. "I won't let you turn me in! We can be happy, I promise!"

In the chaos, Wednesday's hand brushed against the knife she had hidden in her coat, a last resort she had hoped never to use. As Enid's attacks grew more frenzied, Wednesday's survival instincts kicked in. She pulled the knife from her coat, her heart breaking as she did so.

"Enid, please," Wednesday begged, her voice choked with emotion. "Don't make me do this."

But Enid's eyes were wild, her mind lost to the madness of her desperation. "I love you, Wednesday. I'm doing this for us!"

In a final, desperate attempt to stop her, Wednesday thrust the knife forward, the blade sinking into Enid's stomach. Enid gasped, a look of shock and betrayal crossing her face. For a moment, everything was still, the world frozen in the horror of that instant.

Then, Enid crumpled to the floor, her hands clutching her stomach, blood seeping through her fingers. "Wednesday," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry... I just... I wanted us to be happy..."

Wednesday dropped to her knees beside Enid, her own tears mingling with the blood on the floor. "I know, Enid. I know. I'm so sorry."

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