Chapter 1

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Author's Notes: Once again, I am cross-posting a fic I made a long time ago on ao3! This one holds a special place in my heart as this was my first fanfiction with tons of plot and world-building into it. And yes, it's very long, lol ^^'

So, I split it up into many chapters so it's easier to tackle and read. I hope you enjoy this! Also, it is probably obvious at the beginning, but I will say that this world is definitely different. In that, Ominis CAN see in this AU. That's a very important detail to remember.

Anyway, I won't say more. Happy reading! :]


Ominis woke up, the ceiling glowing a soft yellow above him. There was a soft trilling sound to his right, not letting him go back to sleep. He sighed and sat on the side of the bed, his cooling sheets pooling at his waist. He ran a hand down his face, trying to make himself more awake.

He stood up and tapped the top of his alarm clock, shutting up the ovoid device.

"Good morning, Mr. Gaunt," the clock chimed in an altered female voice. "Would you like to listen to your usual playlist?"

"Please," he answered. Another chime sounded before his flat was filled with orchestral music. He always favored classical music over whatever they played currently.

He walked over to his closet and picked out his outfit before heading into the bathroom. He took a shower and afterward styled his hair back, not a strand of hair out of place. Then he put on his typical attire of leather long coat and an outfit of a freshly dry cleaned, silver-accented black suit.

After getting ready, he grabbed his platinum case and headed out of the flat, the music immediately stopping the moment he walked out the door. He went to the glass elevator and muttered "lobby". As he descended twenty floors, he reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out an earpiece, fitting it in.

The machine hummed and Ominis looked down the elevator's windows at the people wandering around. Most dressed in leather jackets and cargo pants, or wore scarves and hoodies, trying to blend into the dark streets just outside.

The elevator finally stopped at the first floor, and he stepped out. He watched as people in the lobby quickly moved out of his way, no doubt recognizing him. He passed the doormen clothed in pristine military outfits and they tipped their hats to him. Next to their desk was an elevator, which one of them opened for him.

Ominis then said, "Level 2", and the elevator started to move down. His earpiece pinged with a call, and he tapped it. "Ominis Gaunt," he answered.

"Wow, still talking formally?"

Ominis slightly smiled at the voice. "I'm not using my phone at the moment. I'm just using my earpiece, how was I supposed to know who you were?"

"Somewhere in your heart, you should have known it was me," the voice said with a clearly fake hurt. Ominis rolled his eyes and the elevator opened. He walked out into the parking garage.

"What do you want, Sebastian?" he asked.

"I wanted to make sure Anne and I are still good to come over tonight. We're hoping to play more of that Legacy game."

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll probably get something to drink before that, though."

"Ooh, I wouldn't mind a cocktail. You're buying, right?"

"You're already coming to my place to play my game, and now you want me to pay for your drink?" Ominis asked, making his way to his motorcycle. It was sleek and black, with a dark gray name painted on the side: Hades. He didn't know why, but the name felt fitting for him. He opened the seat to put his case in there, then closed it.

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