Chapter 12

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Ominis watched nervously as the screen was showing coding that Amit was going through.

"It's a lot harder than I thought," Amit nervously said. "They put up a lot of walls to keep others out, but I just need some time to get through them all."

"Take as much time as you need," Ominis said.

"–py!" Samantha yelled into their earpieces all of a sudden. "You need to get out of there!"

"What happened?" Anne asked, her voice rising. "Is the other team okay?"

"They're fine, but they soon won't be, like you!"

Ominis looked over his shoulder at Poppy and Anne. "What do you mean?"

"Black, your parents, the Snatchers, they're coming back up!"

Ominis's blood froze and he looked at the computer. He pounded his fist onto the table. "I'm an idiot," he darkly muttered. "They must have found out I gave clearance..." Poppy put her hand on his shoulder to reassure him, but he was too wrought with worry. He had a feeling what was about to come.

"The cure is almost ready to be sent out, but–"

The stairway door opened suddenly, and seven people came through: Black, Ominis's parents, and four Snatchers.

Poppy squeezed Ominis's shoulder, and he knew two of them were her parents.

"Popsy," the man in the lead called out. He had on a purple coat with golden accents, clashing with the black suit and blood-red tie he had underneath. He walked forward with his hands out, his lips pulled into a cold smile. "How nice to see you again..."

She stiffened, and Ominis quickly stood up to stand in front of her, blocking her from her parents' view. He glared defiantly at them. "You keep your distance if you know what's good for you," he growled.

"You think you can boss us around?" A woman dressed in the same manner as Poppy's father demanded. She must be Poppy's mother. She waved her gun out with a bloodthirsty look in her eyes. "You're a bit outnumbered, sweetie."

Ominis looked over the entire group, seeing the other two Snatchers slowly walk to try to flank, and Black was unarmed, but his parents weren't.

"Amit...can you do what Garreth did in his bar?" Poppy whispered, slowly reaching for her own gun.

"I-well, probably, but I'm almost done with the programming–"

"I got it," Samantha cut in. "Just don't let them stop Amit's work."

Gunshots echoed on the floor above them, making everyone look up at the ceiling. Anne took that opportunity and shot at Poppy's mother, hitting her in the right shoulder. Before they retaliated, the floor went pitch-black, and the three of them quickly hit the deck. A few rounds went through the air, but Ominis knew they would be like sitting ducks.

He took out his gun and cocked it like Imelda showed him. He quickly took the safety off and blindly shot into the darkness. The computer was still on, practically showing where they were.

"Get away from there!" Anne hissed, and she already ran off. Ominis's heart stopped beating as he heard more gunshots. He didn't know if any hit Anne...

He turned to Poppy, who was still ducking for cover. He put his arm around her and helped her up into a crouching position. "Come on," he quietly urged.

They hurried away, but Ominis grunted as something collided into his head. He fell to the floor, his vision blurring as he barely stayed conscious.

"Ominis!" he heard Poppy cry out in fear.

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